prompting sensible inquiry

Serpentine Series

Aya Santa : Spirit Tonic

Aya Santa : Spirit Tonic


elements :

fire + water + air + earth

colors :

red + gold + purple

energetic signatures :

vision bringing; soul elevating; alleviating depression, anxiety, mental tensions; boosting energy; strengthening immunity; releasing trauma; improving memory and mental stamina; intuition increasing; improving quality of rest; for creativity; alpha, theta, and gamma brain waves; spiritual awareness; antioxidant; revitalizing; more…

animal companions :

snake; yanapuma; cats; owls; hawks; more…

the story :

It’s been years of communion with this plant spirit to lead to the point of crafting something to share publicly — that’s the kind of reverence this vine demands. The story of our connection is extensive and will be reserved for sharing through another medium, but for now suffice it to say that the Banisteriopsis caapi vine comes loaded with messages and activations that are hard to ignore, deny, overlook. This vine walks with those who have sight, know it, and are not afraid to see truth. It is for underworld work that affords us gold and riches, wealth of spirit. It is for unlocking treasure boxes within ourselves. This is a microdose potion that does not contain the DMT component typical in the more commonly sought out ‘psychedelic’ experience of modern Ayahuasca consumption. Nevertheless, this one is psychedelic in its own right especially considering that etymologically “psychedelic” means “mind-expanding” or “mind-brightening”. On a phytochemical level, the alkaloids present in the vine are what lend their cognition-enhancing effects especially when used over an extended period of time in micro-doses. Harmine is one of the alkaloids present which have been shown to increase neuron cell growth by over 70% and has overall psycho-protective and neuro-protective qualities. The antioxidant qualities of the B. caapi vine are exhibited through the activity of this particular constituent which furthermore aids the function of the hippocampus, a part of the brain responsible for memory and other neurological and biological capacities. Other personal studies have shown that microdosing with this tonic can increase flow consciousness and enable us to exercise our creativity more effortlessly. All of what’s been noted about the benefits also hints at the fact that the spirit of this vine is specifically tuned to guarding us against psychic attack and invasion which is a hallmark need of the times we find ourselves in, the age of information and miseducation. May we reclaim our minds and hearts in good health with this one. Aya Santa is a highly programmable and willing to work with each individual according to their specific needs, personal visions; helping to overcome obstacles on the path toward fulfillment. Other notations about this formulation: song-crafting and spirit-weaving becomes easier with this medicine. There is something about singing, humming, dancing, moving that affords us a quality of air which mends the heart, and B. caapi loves a heart-felt tune — if a song wells up in you while in communion with them, please don’t shy away from that shift in your breathing. Aya Santa is a spiral dancer, shape-shifting in expansion and contraction where and when needed. Spells can be both cast and broken with her. This is a teacher plant — instructing, nourishing, correcting, purifying. I find this one especially helpful for people who have dealt with long bouts of depression or anxiety, the after effects of trauma or stagnant patterning, afforded through Aya’s psychoemotional and psychospiritual purging abilities. For the highly sensitive ones, Caapi vine keeps our perceptions sharp while fine-tuning our energetic boundaries, reminding us of the importance of clearing our fields and being mindful of who and what we interact and build contracts with. This extract is a tonic with chemical constituents whose effects transcend the physical; such is the beauty of plants. Aya Santa helps us to create new neural pathways, build bridges, make deeper connections, and integrate into the wholeness of ecosystem, environment, bioregion with all the sentience present within each facet of it. Flow and go, flow and let go. The path is meandering and has many guide posts so you never get lost again. Deep feeling, deep seeing, close reading; for liminal spaces and the crossroads — Caapi vine is unforgettable.

ingredients :

banisteriopsis caapi vine double-strength extract in water and gluten-free alcohol

invitations for use :

Take 25-45 drops on tongue up to 2 times a day, let it sit on and sink into the tongue before swallowing. Other uses detailed on notecards. Please read notecard in its entirety before use; important contraindications and other phytochemical considerations detailed. Shake well before use. Store in a cool, dark place. Shelf life varies, usually lasts up to one year.

  • Safe for breastfeeding people at a quarter of the dosage.

  • Not safe for pregnant people.

  • Not safe for children.

  • All herbs are certified organic.

  • REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: This product is for bringing balance; it is not intended to diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, please seek a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been approved by the FDA.

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