Herbascopes™ / Destroying the Tower of Babble: New Moon + Summer Solstice Prescriptions for Liberation
Pyramid of Giza, enlightened by lightning - (note: the infamous Tower moments that everybody was talking about earlier this year actually began a while ago, some of them during the year 2016 [probably even before], but it is interesting to note here how the year was ‘16 which is the number of The Tower in the major arcana of the tarot). May these moments in our lives serve as illuminating, providing a template for refreshed and elevated communication and a dispelling of the confusion induced by media, unhealthy relations, or other sources of ‘information’. And so it is.
*(If you know your moon and/or rising signs, it is recommended that you read the scopes for each of them, along with your sun sign. If you have knowledge of any stellium sign(s) in your chart, it is advisable that you read the ones corresponding to that as well. These can be read for both tropical and sidereal astrological aspects.)
aries rising/sun/moon :: 2 of wands // hawthorn + (8) strength // nettle
the element of fire comes to the forefront for you once again, speaking directly to your need to temper energies and gather your forces to use for more constructive means. the 2 of wands alongside arcanum 8 signifies the need to go into a personal space where you can regain balance and remember your source directives. 2 of wands speaks to a level of partnership present, perhaps within one’s business or in the arts, yet with the image of this card, we note that it speaks to the need to separate yourself from the crowd for a moment so as to recover some strength. this message may be particular to those who find themselves feeling more introverted lately but are surrounded by people and may begin to be feeling energetically depleted. the 8th arcanum comes to remind you that you have the internal tools needed to persevere. this combination is favorable in that it speaks to great future successes eased by a heeding of the present call to recalibrate. it seems like this moment is offering you more time and space to complete certain important works, while also prompting you to tune into inner endurance and strength to see these things through. again, this process is very personal, so it’s time to go within and do some surveying — you may find that you really are urged to distance yourself from certain energies so that you can again feel and be in full control of your own destiny. there is a thin line between opening yourself up to cooperative efforts and allowing others to dominate and/or direct your endeavors.
another thing that is showing up here is energies of anger or other sort of inflamed emotions which require some of your attention to work through properly. for a lot of you, it feels like you are experiencing a breaking point or a breakthrough — either way, your life is being altered, and this present moment will lead you into a tomorrow where you will feel more fully in your power. the strength card being connected to leo, a fire sign, and the suit of wands also being one of fire, there may be a need to purge or clear out energies. paying attention to cardiovascular and blood-related imbalances is ideal for you. being cognizant of how your heart, stomach, and kidneys respond to what you do, who you are with, where you go, when you do or don’t do something, etc is all important to ensure that you become more aware of the subtle effects these states have been having on your physical. with the tempering of fire, we are also prompted to bring in other elements such as air and water to harmonize. nettle is an ally that is strengthening by way of its chlorophyll content, which cleans and fortifies our blood, and also the fact that nettle works through a variety of the systems mentioned above. nettle cools when there is an excess of heat, simultaneously clearing out excess water in the body which could be causing some of the heat and dampness. moreover, in magickal traditions, nettle is considered a protector, associated with mars and ready to win all battles. their stinging hairs provide protection for the plant itself, while nettle’s medicine serves to protect our bodies from intrusive and potentially sickening microorganisms. key 8: strength contains nettle leaves and roots as one of the main ingredients. this tincture is particular for such moments which require a sharpening of our capacities and perception. it also contains hawthorn which will aid you with the heart strengthening work that this moment is calling for and the calibration called for through the 2 of wands. furthering yourself into resilience through disciplined retreat and reflection will enable the expansion of insight and, further, the work you are doing, internally and externally.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
taurus rising/sun/moon :: (21) the world // elder + (9) the hermit // sage
interestingly enough, arcana 21 and 9 both deal with creativity, but on different levels. 21 and 9 being multiples of 3, connect with the initial 3 energy of the arcana, the empress, but extend the work done here into other levels. for one, the hermit is concerned with gathering certain quality of information to then share with the world. the hermit holds potential as both one who educates and can be educated, but the hermit learns from their experiences and through seeking wisdom in nature and books of knowledge, as opposed to being told and taught by another. the hermit, connected to the hebrew letter ‘yod’ which means hand, can speak to practical application and manual labor which happens as one is learning and remembering important information. the hermit combined with the world also denotes that one achieves success slowly and over a period of time, so you do not have to rush. another part of this message is that rushing can give you results you were trying to avoid, so it is important to pace yourself here. there is a the effect of a triple earth energy — your own as taurus, the world as saturn, and the hermit as virgo — which gives this time a very solid and concrete form. this furthers the value of how you spend your time and what you do and create with it. in arcanum 9, one happens upon the ideas and thoughts of what to do and voyaging forward into arcanum 21, one is then able to see the method and come up with a plan of implementation. this summer is time for you to continue to nurture your seeds — it is not yet time to harvest and share with others, though that moment is readily approaching. the hermit reminds you that your path is unique and, while there may be resemblances elsewhere, you ought to stay true to your particular course. this is no time for comparisons or to be down on yourself because you may not have made the progress you expected to by now — that is no coincidence. your work and path is one of longevity, so you’ve got plenty of time to make it all happen.
another key is that the hermit is often associated with the zodiac sign virgo, so you are asked to allow yourself more order and discipline; do not deprive yourself of the very energies that will absolve you of an imbalanced karma later on. you can go forward overlooking certain things, but then you will find yourself feeling either regretful or guilty for not paying attention to the details and what intel they had to offer you. this is a time of really learning the ‘science’ of what you are working on, so that you can apply it and make your art. the world appears here, and the promise is one of much needed stability, security, and elevation, both internally and externally. connected to the plants sage and elder, the hermit and the world also grant us communion with accomplices that can facilitate these processes in different ways. sage brings calm to the mind and clarity to our throat which enable us to think truthfully and speak with the same sort of lucidity. key 1: the magician contains sage as one of the allies to help the magician (who is a younger version of key 9: the hermit) experience more flow in their casting. sage is also added to this formula as an accompaniment to other aromatic mint allies which can help to settle our entire body and brain so that functions remain optimal. elder is an accomplice that helps us move through different levels — with their flowers white/cream in color and their berries purple/black, elder teaches us how to be with both shadow and light and still thrive, grow, and prosper. elder reminds us how both need each other at different times, for different kinds of support. perfectly symbolic of the creative/life/death/rebirth process, elderberries are used in the ancient elder hues: berry ink and this is a formula which can come in handy when painting, writing spells, or generally writing, fully in line with the frequency of 3 and 3 as 21: the world. the keys and tools that show up for you at this time give a clear picture of what your summer is looking like: you in a room full of books and blank paper and canvas for you to channel your learning and wisdom onto.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
gemini rising/sun/moon :: (12) the hanged man // maypop + (16) the tower // wormwood
there is a situation that has already occurred or is soon coming up which will shift your perspective in such a way that you may retreat into silence for some time or find yourself at a general standstill as you process what has just transpired. a lot of this will feel very sudden and some of this might even feel unwelcome. for some of you, it looks like you’ve been putting out a certain wish or intention, not fully knowing what the result of that would be. the situation coming up makes that more clear, and through this experience, you learn the depth and breadth of mindfulness you need to maintain in these times. for you, the tower of babble crumbles when you allow yourself to be illuminated by the forthcoming knowledge. and with the crumbling of this tower, you have a clarified and open space for building something completely new. nevertheless, with the hanged man and the tower being present, you are reminded that it is wise for you to take inventory before proceeding forward. take time to process what you have experienced and consider that it may be cuing you in on the power of your thoughts, so this is really a great thing because it tells you that you really do got that magick, but because of the potency of it, you also need to be careful. the overall vibration of this moment is also one calling for some major changes. the alteration happening within is really impacting your head so to speak, and so it is reforming the way you communicate and even your fluency in certain regards. your subconscious is experiencing a simultaneous cleansing and upgrade, and it is possible that you will feel a bit shaken by the coming moments which will help you release a false sense of security or an ideology no longer benefiting your mental schema. there is just this deep sense that something needs to be sacrificed or relinquished or it will be ‘taken’/’removed’ from you in a more abrupt way. true to your gemini dispositions, the hanged man and the tower offer you options for how you can take your transition. consider these carefully.
another thing that is important to keep in mind when the tower and hanged man show up alongside each other is that you could meet some ease and grace in current struggles by applying the virtues of key 12. the hanged man is actually in utero if one really contemplates the symbolism in the movement between keys 12 and 13, for instance. yes, this is a time of a lot of shedding, but surely you will meet the light of faith and hope, as promised by key 16’s follow-up, the star. whatever ruminating and unpleasant thoughts have been surfacing through these moments, maypop can help to soothe. maypop is ideal for bringing order to thought processes, especially in instances where one is experiencing recurring thinking patterns which disrupt your overall flow. maypop is also ideal for quelling anxieties that settle in and disturb the gut and its flora. maypop and wormwood together serve as a great combination for gastrointestinal matters, which naturally directly correlate to other processing centers such as the brain and, thus, our thinking. wormwood is ideal for cleansing our bodies of parasitic entities. a very bitter plant, wormwood has also been regarded as one ideal for strengthening vision work, making them a great accomplice as you set on a path to allow for a much needed subconscious attunement. maypop, again, can only help this type of work. they are found in key 0: the aspirant, who is one of the archetypes that speaks to the kind of rebirth we experience in working through arcanum 12 and within arcanum 16. both maypop and wormwood, like keys 12 and 16, give one no choice but to allow for a full transformation from the inside out.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
cancer rising/sun/moon :: king of cups // saw palmetto berry + (1) the magician // caraway
several things come up here: you are learning a lot from yourself but it seems like there is an energy around, perhaps a sort of masculine force or one with a strong masculine energy, also contributing to the growth you are experiencing. this person, entity, spirit, guide, and/or ancestor is one that instructs you, whether you are conscious of it or not, on how to use the tools you’ve been bestowed. this king of cups energy can be very subtle at times for it is not concerned with whether others notice the impact of their presence or not; this king is fulfilling their divine duties. the inspirations received from this source is something that touches you on a heart level and is meant to linger as impactful well into the coming years of your life. this moment is no small one, so heed the message to refine and rise in your power. the magician has the tools of the four elements which enable them to create just about anything they can imagine. the king of cups comes to balance out this strong mercurial force with some water, so part of your work is to also allow a softening so that you can fully merge with creative potential. something else that came up here is that the mercury talent for communication needs to be more directly integrated into your daily. some of you have a strong capacity for understanding and empathy in relations but have a hard time dealing with conflict, anger, and frustration when it shows up, or you can tend to employ manipulative tactics as a defense mechanism in these instances. the magician comes through to remind you that part of your skillset involves how you can calm, soothe, and nurture with your speech and how this time calls for just that. you may want to spend some time assessing and considering what you will even say in certain instances to specific people, or you can decide that you will be better off just stating directly what you have been thinking for a while. overall, the invitation is clear and it is one that moves you into a more defined stature, presence, and awareness within your gifts.
the magician and the king of cups are both aspects within the self that can balance each other out in a variety of ways. they also reinforce certain qualities within each other. both the magician and king of cups, like the water element of the cups suits and the airy aspects of mercury’s presentation, both have the ability to shapeshift according to what they come into contact with. they are highly adaptable energies which enable versatility in your decisions, movements, and communications. these cards together remind us to trust in and protect our abilities. there may be people looking at your magick with evil eye or feelings of envy just because of what you can do, not even what you have done. so it is important to call in protections, so that when you continue to move forward, you don’t encounter the obstacle of people’s thought interference in your path. the king of cups also wants to remind you to look around you, look to both sides of the street, before continuing the motion forward — ensure the path you are on is the one you intend to be on. caraway and saw palmetto berry expedite these processes in a number of ways. caraway is very particular for reducing stress and fatigue, tempering allergic reactions, and a wide array of other benefits too vast to innumerate. when embarking on a voyage so fresh like that of the magician’s, caraway is ideal as supportive. this one is also high in magnesium so they really help to nourish neurotransmitters and promote more overall balance. key 1: the magician contains caraway as a main ingredient due to the aforementioned. saw palmetto berries, though not commonly combined with caraway, is a fruit whose medicine is catalyzed by caraway. saw palmetto berries have specified effects for boosting immunity, treating libido loss, and correcting kidney disorders. these moments are such that no preventative measure is too much, and these two allies and keys really help to sharpen and fortify you for what’s coming, so indulge.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
leo rising/sun/moon :: (0) the fool // reishi + (14) temperance // holy basil
present opportunities and those showing up require a good deal of both trust and patience. this is not a moment to rush through, and you should keep in mind that this is still the very beginning of a particular journey, so make sure you set up strong foundations so that your developments will hold up well. in a lot of ways the fool is a wild card, indicating the vastness of potential that is present. combined with temperance, we see that this potential is one which enables you to refine your alchemy and fine-tune your senses. drink your holy basil infusions early in the day because these moments will require your nervous system to remain stable in its operations so as to optimize your overall initiatory experience — holy basil will help to stave off any overstimulation that may impede you from properly synthesizing what is present. something else that is coming up here is working with the hands, so you could find yourself entering into working more deeply with arts and crafts, focusing on building something, or in some other ways doing manual labor; ultimately, it shows up as a creative journey and it is part of all that you are working with and through to move into the next level. this is a midpoint for you which says that you will soon be approaching an end and entering into new beginnings. preventative measures on all fronts, physical, mental, and spiritual, is a great way to embody the wisdom that these energetic signatures offer you — this is not one of those times when you can indulge or slack off and say you’ll do the work later. a key of this time is knowing how to work with visible and invisible frequencies, becoming adept in your control of internal forces and, thus, external outcomes. through temperance, the fool learns how to draw from the natural and supernatural world to create of what they need and are due to share.
the power that the fool learns by the time they reach the point of temperance is how perception and perspective can contribute to what one thinks as possible or the potential one can see. in many renditions of the tarot, the temperance card depicts an angel appearing to pour water from one vessel into another, but as we study this art and science, we learn that the water (like that of the sign aquarius) is one that represents energy that can take the form of many things. thus the flow of water between the vessels is constant and not one where the water is only poured from one cup into the next. this fact alone expands the capacity of what can result from this alchemy. with the fool also signifying open space and womb of infinite possibility, know that things can go in so many directions, but ultimately it is up to you. focus your creation and labor on actualizing the outcomes you’ve been visioning. also ensure to do things in a spirit of self-love which is holistic, not selfish. both reishi and holy basil provide extensive support for you on a spiritual and physical level. considering the endurance required for the time, holy basil proves to be ideal for supporting the nourishing of nerves and securing optimal brain function through hormonal balance. this is part of the recalibration you are called to at this time as it seems like several of you have definitely been needing to recharge your sensible faculties, all the while reorienting your internal circadian rhythm by way of the pituitary gland (which governs hormonal secretion). combined with reishi, there is an emphasis on elevating the spiritual essence which will encourage you to see things in new ways. a decoction of reishi would serve you well in combination with an infusion of holy basil. you can also combine key 22: the initiate (aka the fool) or key 0: the aspirant (aka the fool) and key 17: the star (often associated with aquarius) which interestingly enough all correspond quite perfectly with this transmission.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
virgo rising/sun/moon :: (2) the high priestess // valerian (pulled twice, two different decks)
intuition, intimacy, awareness of sacred knowledge, and psychoemotional intelligence are all heightened and pronounced with the appearance of the high priestess. the frequency of 2 showing up twice feels like there is a strong focus on relationships of all sorts, but one is really surveying how earlier connections have been contributing factors in how you are or are not able to connect and/or communicate nowadays. the high priestess holds the truth to their chest and is not afraid to see and tell it. this is a card that signifies the groundwork for greater works. with the high priestess, we receive insights into the science and story of the art and creation that the empress gives us space to manifest. at this time, you find yourself uncovering a lot of wisdom, all while learning the new languages of vision. the high priestess is an energy associated with the doctrine of signatures, so with this archetypal vibration, we are offered opportunities to know through observation. this is something that allows you to rest more instead of looking for the answers — you are remembering that the truth surrounds and envelops you, so you don’t have to do much to come into contact with it. the high priestess asks you to rest within all the information you are receiving and trust that proper synthesis will occur which will further instruct you on how to move forward and what to do with all of it. some of the depictions in tarot decks show the high priestess holding an ankh, others showing her holding a key — ultimately, both symbols serve to indicate the high priestess’s function as one who enables us to cross to the other side of things so as to help deepen our comprehension. this archetype is the guardian at the threshold who holds the scroll of ancient sacreds and secrets ready to be revealed to the one who has proven their reverence for nature’s beauty and mystery.
furthering the emphasis of the high priestess’s association with the doctrine of signatures, now is a time when you might want to take up a more ordered study of botany, for instance, or in some other way using your powers of observation and intuition to learn and know about the natural world around you and what the movements and forms within it say. in the same way, arcanum 2 might also be inciting you to go deep into your body and listen to what that intelligence wishes to highlight about your health. messages and gut feelings coming to you leave very direct physical impressions to discern from. arcanum 2 is connected to the moon and water, so it is inviting you to assess how your psyche and body are impacted by lunar cycles and what your relationship to water and the mother energies in your life say about the ways in which you are able to give and receive nurturing. the high priestess showing up twice tells you that this is a time of learning and listening — let you silence be golden, revealing treasures you had yet to uncover, so that your communication is later received with the clarity with which it was bestowed upon you. as you enter more deeply into this frequency, be wary of misusing your spiritual gifts or being blindsided by false teachers who should actually be learning from you or whose ‘knowledge’ borders on the superficial. valerian root is an accomplice which can help to upgrade and sharpen your intuition. this is a plant whose medicine enables your mind to relax, while promoting the access to information you previously learned and creating space for you to gather more intel. key 2: the high priestess contains valerian root as a central ingredient for this very reason. with key 2, you will be able to gracefully open the door to higher wisdom and an edifying magnitude in your alignment.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
libra rising/sun/moon :: 7 of wands // mullein + (19) the sun // chamomile
stay true to yourself and the rest will follow. right now, you are in a moment of clarifying your energy against offensive and intrusive forces on some levels, and the sun comes to support you in this. it’s possible that you are defending yourself and having to stand up for your ideals and principles or generally having to stand your ground in a particular situation — whatever the case, arcanum 19 shows up promising for it offers you a great deal of strength and vitality through these moments. with the sun beaming in this way, you can be sure that the coming moments will reward you with success. distortions in relations and power struggles with others are being clarified as you find a potent yet graceful firmness in your voice once again and begin to channel for the health that you are cultivating and accept nothing short of that. this combination of cards asserts that the work you are doing is protected, and the momentum is increasing for you. some of you are finally going through what feels like a release from the internal energetic antagonism that you experienced in relation to some of your projects or other workings you have been a part of. the 7 of wands shows that there may be a need to do protective magick or work to seal your aura, and the sun comes forward as the perfect elixir for the sort of nourishment that is ideal for you right now, so, very practically, some sunlight would favor your vessel — that’s nothing new though. however, you may want to create some kind of ritual or a moment of sacred encounter with the solar force on a regular basis. whether you take up a practice of sungazing at dusk and/or dawn while saying some mantras and affirmations, whether you decide to make a practice of dancing, stretching, or otherwise moving and activating your blood, in the sun, clearly channeling that sunlight medicine — whatever you decide to do, ensure that your communion with the sun remains consistent throughout the duration of the summer season; your harvest will be so much more fruitful come autumn.
another aspect of these energies being present shows up as the need to attend to your solar plexus/digestive system and your throat/respiratory. these are ideal times for tuning up your vehicle, and with the sun communion practice, you are already well on your way to a holistic healing and lifestyle program. you may want to consider detoxing as a starting point, with nourishment as a follow-up to this work. you may also want to focus on cleansing your gastrointestinal tract of parasites, worms, and other microorganisms which might be offending your homeostasis. moreover, when considering the throat, lung and heart healing come to the forefront as counterparts for a fullness in that work. chamomile and mullein are both perfect accomplices on your mission. mullein is particularly beneficial for removing mucus and build-up within the upper and lower respiratory system. they are favorable for alleviating coughs and even help to deepen the breath. combined with chamomile in infusion, this is a formula for easing into your body, while tension, anxieties, and stresses dissipate. i see you sitting with a cup of this combination, some of you in tears and others smiling or simply relaxing — the vision here shows a general aura of relief and the movement of stagnant emotional energies within the body. chamomile is helpful in digestive concerns while being simultaneously effective in balancing cognitive function, so they enable us to operate from a space of clarity. key 19: the sun contains chamomile as a main ingredient for its brightening impact on the overall frequency and aura. chamomile, as a digestive herb, also feeds the healthy bacteria in the gut, keeping that system toned and sustainably functional. flower and fruit punch oxymel is another of the offerings which contain chamomile as part of a potent concoction for ensuring strength in digestive functions. with these keys and remedies, you can be sure that any present tension, battle, or discord will soon find its end and you will be on your way to a brand new day.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
scorpio rising/sun/moon :: (9) the hermit // sage + (5) the hierophant // blue lotus
at this juncture, you find yourself sifting through ideals, traditions, values, morals, and principles that you may have acquired through socialization — this is propelling you to take a moment for yourself and assess to then recycle and move forward with only the essentials. the hierophant and the hermit inform each other very well. the hierophant is the hermit’s position before the hermit has some of the realizations that led them to make critical and pivotal changes. these mark a period of reflection and learning, perhaps even going into certain isolation or withdrawing yourself in order to organize your mind and then proceed in a more lucid state. you may feel charged with the need to undo some of the programming you have been subjected to regarding religion, spirituality, or the idea of powers outside of you. it could also be the case that you are helping others undo themselves from that programming, but with the hermit being present, you’re still figuring how to communicate the messages thoroughly and effectively to those friends and family of concern. essentially, this combination suggests that you are at a point in your evolution where you are equipped to interpret the sacred mysteries at their core and share your discoveries with the people. the hermit really compels you to do some studying first and you may even need to further refine with a teacher, mentor, or guide of sorts to help sharpen the accuracy of what you are perceiving so that others may innerstand your perspective when you do decide to speak on it. the hierophant shows up as the teacher you may be seeking or a part of your mind, intact, and capable of helping you undo the fragmentations in your cognitive processes. ultimately, opening yourself up to divine guidance proves to offer you wisdom and synthesis in your awareness. the main key here is that your ‘higher self’ is calling you in to the solace of your deepest knowing — whatever feelings you have for getting more serious about certain practices, follow that. the appropriate counselor and teacher will show up for you as soon as you declare that you are ready for sublime evolution.
the hermit also supplies you with the ability to see the bigger picture and, thus, incorporate the most useful attributes of spiritual and mental qualities into your lived experience. the hermit is also a point of rest and relaxing, a moment when you are offered the chance to reflect and recharge before proceeding on with the journey. taking this time will really boost the quality of what you are doing. you can maximize the impact of this time by resetting your nervous system with floral/flower essence therapy and/or the application of herbal remedies. with the hermit often being associated with virgo, health and healing ought to be prioritized. blue lotus and sage both support the nervous system in distinct ways. blue lotus helps to increase circulation not only to the reproductive organs (hence why it is considered an aphrodisiac) but also to the brain, making them useful for mental functions and recalibration of neurotransmitters. blue lotus, helping us shift into more relaxing brain waves, is ideal for meditative and other practices that involve reflection on some level. key 2: the high priestess, key 3: the empress, and key 22: the initiate all contain blue lotus as a main ingredient — in each of these, blue lotus helps to promote the raising of sexual and creative energies into the higher chakras so that they can be used for visioning and mental restructuring. the rosy peaches is an oxymel which also contains blue lotus and is an ideal alcohol-free remedy for the journey with these two arcana. sage is another plant friend who possesses similar spiritual qualities, particularly effective in removing brain fog or any sort of cloudiness within the mind. they are mercurial in essence, like the hermit, so they are perfect for settling into the informative silence that this archetype calls us into. key 1: the magician, aka the mercury key, was made with sage and other mercury/other planetary herbs. the magician is another level of key 9: the hermit, so they go hand in hand. the summer season brings you a lot of learning, wisdom, and even teachers. the allies for you this season are those which can help you focus and stay disciplined as you orient and compose a refreshed mental schema.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
sagittarius rising/sun/moon :: 4 of cups // moringa + (20) judgment // spearmint
these two cards present the elements of water and fire, respectively, speaking to a deeply alchemical process taking place. listen to your heart. you do not need to settle or dwell in spaces that leave you feeling unquenched or unloved. you deserve complete nourishment and a whole love. with the 4 of cups and judgment in juxtaposition, it is clear that there is some sort of revival or reconciliation in the works. however, you find that you are still not satisfied or something isn’t adding up for you, so you are left in a search for more, so to speak. it also shows up that the actions and words of this moment will really experience a highlight of their quality and weight at the upcoming full moon. you are to make a decision regarding certain connections or just need to set your emotional energy at a useful level so you do not get caught up in the feelings or apathy or dissatisfaction. the great thing about the judgment card is that it puts you in control over any chaos, internal or external, that is surfacing. this helps to decrease anxiety while expediting some much needed inner growth. with the new awareness that you have happened upon, there are greater responsibilities but those more in alignment with the direction you are deciding to take. some things need to be absolved, and yet others can use more of an embrace from you. the 4 of cups is a crossroads with matters of the heart. you may feel a bit slighted or deceived even if no explicit deception has taken place. it just seems like some people around you, even yourself, may not be living up to their word in fullness or may be half-assing what needs to be done. furthermore, as you process all of this, keep in mind your accomplishments as much as you considered the lessons or “mistakes”. to have arcanum 20 in your court means that you have made a great deal of progress in your spiritual journey though you are not quite at the point of absolute initiation. there is still karmic discharge overdue within the heart space. tend to that fire — do not let it go out just because you are presently feeling indifferent or no longer interested. turn this love that you have perceived as overlooked in toward yourself.
past situations surfacing through arcanum 20 show up as part of an awakening. again, the 4 of cups shows you longing for change or feeling unfulfilled on some level, but number 20 is asking you to determine if you really need another big transition at this moment, or if you are confusing what others project as success and quality for your own definition of those things. this is why the heart’s wisdom is so key right now — you have to tune into what you really need for YOUR evolution. it is what will help you make it from 20 to 21 to 22 and upward into ascension. going into the earlier point about the full moon: between now and then, find ways to incorporate the elements of water and fire into your daily practice and ritual. lighting candles a certain amount of days a week, bathing at a springs or in your tub, burning your favorite incense, drinking more water than you usually do, and/or starting a cardio routine are all viable options. take time to also journal through your experiences of these elements, and on the full moon, revisit those entries or reflect on the past 13 or so days and assess how the practices have helped you shift from the stagnancy you had been experiencing. you may also want to work with the solar (fire) and lunar (water) forces, creating a set of practices that are ideal for daytime and those that will help you ease into your intuition and dreams at nighttime. your dreams will show up with greater detail and vividness and you move forward with key 20. moringa is enlivening, spearmint is stimulating. moringa possesses a wide array of nutrients which help in fortifying and moving the blood. this is a truly alchemical happening as the process of nutritional distribution necessitates both fire (heat) and water in the body. moringa is ideal if you are experiencing nutritional deficiencies and pairs well with other plants like nettle, schizandra berries, and oatstraw for a mineral boos — key 0: the aspirant contains several of those. key 19: the sun is made with moringa for the endurance and stamina that it offers us through solar activity such as working and caring for family. similarly, the rosy peaches oxymel is a balancing formula which can be applied as both sun and moon medicine, activating and alleviating as necessary. spearmint is highly aromatic and is used to improve everything from memory to digestive conditions so they are ideal in helping to distill the essence within. both moringa and spearmint appear in my mind’s eye like a light/flames upon the path, so trust the lucidity and brilliance they afford you on this voyage.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
capricorn rising/sun/moon :: ace of cups // vervain + (17) the star // angelica
renewal of self gives you much to look forward to. the ace of cups comes as a lot of hope and paired with the star, this is amplified into a working faith with which to ignite progressive action. something very interesting here is that the star is often associated with aquarius, the water bearer, so while there appears to be the entry of a new love interest for some of you, or rejuvenation within an already existing relationship, there are certainly some upgrades coming through the crown which will afford you a much needed adjustment in perspective and, thus, the ability to move and do your work in more evolved ways. the star is a card of psychic healing made possible by the wisdom integrated through communion with divine inspiration — this can help you move forward from a preceding tower moment. the star is, thus, a guide, and you are being ushered into fertility, abundance, and deepened intimacy on various levels in your life. your innerstanding of self and appreciation of your experiences will also be highlighted in these times. focus on sharpening your confidence through becoming more intentional in your self-care practices and rituals. there is just so much healing so gracefully accessible to you — a favorable aspect and ancestral protection all factor into the sometimes surprisingly benevolent sequence of encounters that this summer and coming autumn will bring into your life. keep your heart open with trust and poise because, if you honor your inclinations to refine your habits and thought processes all the while maintaining a disciplined self-nourishment and care cycle, you will surely be emerging with new prospectives and developments in great projects that you’ve set sights and have visioned upon. note here that several of the present and incoming connections are part of the foundation for what you are creating — build your family, community, team, circle, and do not be afraid to share your stellar-informed ideas and perspectives. your cup is being filled and will overflow to create a river for posterity.
as much as arcanum 17 is a card of psychic healing, it is also one of emotional mending. a remedy of love is present for you which will help you fully transition from any heartbreak or disappointment. it is useful here to consider your nutritional intake and monitor, for instance, how certain foods and drinks make you feel. bridge the work happening within the mind and body as a way to exalt the wholeness of the process you are in. be sure to increase water consumption and even begin to intentionally program your water with affirmations to fill you with the vibrancy that the star and ace of cups want to gift you. if you had or have been experiencing any tension in the upper portions such as the neck, shoulders, or even head, working with an herb like vervain will be ideal to help release that and ease more into the offering of these keys. vervain is useful for those who work themselves to the point of exhaustion or worry about what the future (aquarius/the star) may bring. an infusion of the bitter herb fairs well sipped slowly while working or just relaxing, reading, or resting. vervain is a great accomplice for treating a range of situations from depression, anxiety, and insomnia to kidney stones. truthfully, this is one that helps to address the water element, connected to emotions, the blood, chi force, etc, within the body. for you relief and vibrational support, a cup of vervain once or twice a day every other day for a month or so is fitting. angelica is the other friend coming to assist you through this time. they are a highly medicinal plant which help to increase circulation, treat reproductive disorders, and address heart conditions amongst a wide array of other uses. because of their deeply medicinal quality, they are generally applied in tincture or some other more readily accessible form. key 17: the star contains angelica root as a primary ingredient for their ability to helps us access visionary states by increasing circulation to the periphery, inducing sweating, and decongesting our system to be able to perceive more clearly. this speaks to the lucidity of the star and the guidance they can offer, so it is a tool to further you into the great potential in your tomorrow.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
aquarius rising/sun/moon :: (13) death // agrimony + (12) the hanged man // maypop
both arcanum 12 (through its corresponding hebrew letter ‘mem’/water) and 13 signify ‘death’ on some level — one more so indicating the beginning of a great transformation, while the other is the process and culmination of it. the hanged man indicates a noble sacrifice being made where past patterns are shed. this card suggests that you should reconsider some things and take a moment before making a decision about your next move. the transformation has already been set in motion, yet there is some perspective to be gained by altering your perception modes on one level or another. take time for meta-cognition (think about what you’re thinking about). you are being urged out of a certain comfort zone and there seems to be a slight urgency to the matter simply considering the fact that you have been in an amplified momentum that you’ll continue through despite the pause implied by key 12. “the hanged man reminds us of the importance of being challenged in personal growth”. it is important to survey self and environment and really take into the account the adjustments that you need to make, beginning to apply the shifts as they come. being honest with yourself in this way will make it easier for you to continue forward and away from unnecessarily tense relations and situations. do something you are not use to doing. respond in a way you don’t normally respond. take a different route. essentially, you are creating new neural pathways at this time so the work is very concentrated within your nervous system. practice habits and ways of interaction that help to prevent frazzled or overexcited nerves. this period of reflection will also help you amend your reserves so that you have the optimal life force for the ongoing forward motion. arcanum 13, death is the graduation from reflection of what’s to be transformed into the action of transformation. a snake’s skin sheds. a fire burns paper to ashes. a ritual of new beginnings. with key 13 being associated with scorpio, you may feel yourself more deeply called to work with occult knowledge and become more explicit in your discipline. ultimately, the changes of this time have long term impacts, so spend that hanged man moment really thinking about what needs to be altered and why. energy cleansing rituals and practices are useful here. sometimes the shedding in key 13 even looks like a decrease in appetite or other physical activity as this is also exactly what happens when snakes shed their skin. you may feel called to fast for some days. whatever the urging, embrace yourself as you morph into a better version — like the ouroboros.
if fear creeps up in you in these moments, remember that to shift from that all it takes for you is a mental adjustment. this is a great opportunity for growth — do not miss it. rebirth is the promise for you, and this is also a matter of soul retrieval; you will find that your talents, gifts, and virtues become magnified and augmented through these stages. agrimony comes to support you with this specific matter, as they are a highly protective plant medicine used in ritual work for shielding one, unjinxing, unhexing, and uncrossing. even if one has crossed themselves with their thought, speech, or action, agrimony comes to reveal that and further show you how to make the change. house of truth: agrimony flower essence is an excellent companion for the movement between arcana 11, 12, and 13. in 11, they help us see and speak the truth. in 12, they help us settle when we are distracting ourselves with overactivity in order to avoid facing the truth on some level. in 13, they help us eradicate all of the old, false facades that we have presented to the world out of fear of being perceived as inadequate, strange, or even ‘out of control’. agrimony is also a rose family plant which contains a great amount of antioxidants and nutritional compounds — they secure longevity within our system by feeding new and healthy cells while eliminating free radicals and dead cellular information. agrimony can even be combined with a plant like maypop particularly for 3rd eye and throat chakra medicine, helping to curb repetitive thoughts while enabling our communications to be more clearly and truthfully informed. maypop is very effective for nervous system tension, making them perfect for key 12 and 13 journeys. they are found in key 0: the aspirant as they help to relax the over-excitement that the aspirant may feel which could tax their nervous system if not balanced. an infusion of each of these or them infused in combination or a mixture of some drops of the flower essence with a dropperful of key 0 tincture will surely be complementary to whatever inner work and regulation you are doing — trust and truth are key to your progress.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
pisces rising/sun/moon :: queen of cups // motherwort + (21) the world // elder
the association between saturn and arcanum 21, the world, initially seems odd but when we consider that saturn favors the accomplishment of things worked on over a period of time, it makes sense why they correspond to each other. with the world present, you are put on notice that you are seeing or soon to see the fruits of your labor. it appears as if you are in a layered situation where you see and feel the impending success while also being in a very emotional place. the queen of cups is one who feels deeply and can sense a lot intuitively, so your impressions and sensitivity are heightened at the moment. for some of you, this may also manifest as a flow of creative energy or quite literally being in a place to conceive and then bring ‘something’ into the world. key 21 is one of wholeness as it is often displayed with the 4 elements by way of the symbols of the 4 fixed signs of the zodiac. the implication here is that all the factors that you need for thorough and complete creation are present for you. this time could be calling you to a more nurturing disposition, or you could feel a yearning for some sort of motherly or otherwise embracing love. let your heart soften and open so that you can receive more of the abundance that you have worked for... furthermore, the combination of the queens of cups and the world cards indicate that your thoughts or ideas may be considering legacy and how to establish a holistic precedent within your community and/or family. whether thinking about working with children or not, this is an energy to tap into within yourself — the inner child has a wild imagination in which so much is possible, so visioning and meditation for imagining the future and what it could be for you are useful practices right now. you may also want to invest in taking some kind of art class or otherwise studying art independently to get your creative inspiration and juices flowing. it is important for you to stay in that rhythm of regeneration.
paying attention to your heart and immune system is important right now. the immune system is readily connected to root chakra workings, and the root chakra is most constantly being developed and imprinted on during ages 0-7. so in working with the immune system, you are also going to be addressing any imbalances which may have emerged within your formative household. going to the point of working with the inner child, this is another way to engage that aspect of yourself. this will connect directly to the heart space as you begin to sift through your memory to excavate the information stored throughout your body and experience the relief necessary for you to act within the genius of your creative powers. any stagnancy in that regard which is attributed to traumas from those ages can be confronted through this. motherwort and elder are both effective here. motherwort, the lion-hearted one, is for courage and strength. it helps to elevate our hearts when depressed, soothe concerns when anxious or worried, and ease the mind when tense and unable to rest. motherwort also impacts the reproductive system/creative center by increasing blood flow in that region and toning associated organs. in key 8: strength, motherwort serves as a catalyst for heart expansion and spiritual evolution. they also help to comfort and harmonize the senses. elder is another one that proves ideal especially when working in boosting immune function. (they are contraindicated in several conditions, so please research before using internally). elder helps us tune into our inner child by way of their versatility — they have been used for medicine and food, to make instruments, and even to make dyes and botanical paints. this connects very strongly to the frequency of 3 (creativity, artistry, expression, communication) that is 21/the world. ancient elder hues: berry ink is an external use formula that can be used to write and paint, alike, and is made with elderberries. communing with these allies will not only help to fortify your frequency but will also enable you to access more consistency in your reality and thus provide you with long term fruit and nourishment.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
*Herbascopes™ is a system of divination developed by Gold Water Alchemy. Contact us at el@goldwateralchemy.com or through the Contact form with any questions or comments you may have. You can use the button below to send a donation for this work. Direct donation via PayPal can be sent to goldwateralchemy@gmail.com . Thank you for your support!