Herbascopes™ / Revelations and Illuminations from February into the Spring Equinox
this is the last installation of herbascopes being shared in this format. i am looking forward to the ways in which herbascopes is expanding to be experienced, still publicly, but also in a more intimate way. herbascopes from the years prior to 2020 (2017-2019) have intentionally been removed from the site as they will be compiled elsewhere; more information on all of this will be shared via a newsletter coming in March.
this ‘final’ installation elucidates the ways in which we can optimize our experiences, considering how to master (or ease into) shifts and the altering of consciousness through presence in and awareness of body, heart, breath, and environment. in these messages we can read the impacts of certain stimulation and deprivation through time, and thus, acutely, the necessity of the changes being called for. the major themes here include communication, community, communion, craft, relationships, ancestors, and heart/lung-healing. the reproductive and nervous systems are also showing up as centers requiring our attention and which we can target to prepare for the energy coming in with the spring equinox. another key making itself available is the reminder to target digestive function as a way to clarify how we process all sorts of information.
*(If you know your moon and/or rising signs, it is recommended that you read the scopes for each of them, along with your sun sign. If you have knowledge of any stellium sign(s) in your chart, it is advisable that you read the ones corresponding to that as well. These can be read for both tropical and sidereal astrological aspects.)
aries rising/sun/moon :: 10 of pentacles // slippery elm + 4 of swords // soursop + ace of cups // vervain
there’s a renewal coming for you through the home front. after what has felt like some time motioning toward stability, you finally feel like doors are opening and you can finally settle in. for several of you this may look like actually settling into a new space after some time searching or on a more fluid, less grounded journey. for others, this could be a pregnancy or the news that energetic fertility is high and creation and manifestation is thus possible. family members could also be pregnant, and the news of this impending birth will bring great joy to the family. in essence, there is a drawing up from the reserves of deep ancestral energy — water in the well, moist roots loaded with nourishment, awaiting. in whatever of these very physical tangible processes you may find yourself, there is an ease afforded through trusting in the timing and sensibility of these things. these cards speak of new beginnings which have long been in the works. there are energies that have been inherited which are contributing to the rest that you may find yourself both called to and gracing into. rest is key for you right now; it is what will help your momentum, which may seem ironic. in the moments of stillness and loving self-care, you will find that messages become clearer and this contributes to all the security which is making its way to you in this moment. continue to balance your scales, part of your grounding comes from those retreats — your roots expand as you sink into the underworld and otherworld of a pause and some peace. perhaps contrary to your nature, especially if rising or sun Aries, taking repose will prove to be revitalizing and enriching, helping to further whatever work you have been doing. something that will facilitate the easing into this more still space is inviting your intimate loved ones into some mutual care and leisure. it will heal you and your family, bringing final release to certain tensions within body, heart, and mind — the promise of closure and regeneration is strong here.
going deeper with these messages and applying the resonance of the plant frequencies communicating through them, the combination of vervain, soursop, and slippery elm is perfect for what is coming up for you in this next month or so. these are elements that can be combined but whose medicine really deserves that one on one attention, so the suggested methods of communion are ideal recommendations for the particular healing and grounding journey you are currently in. considering the renewal offered through the ace of cups, vervain is good to commune with when we are experiencing tensions with loved ones or need to have more difficult conversations in order to enter into a vibration of harmony with each other. it’s ideal, for instance, when one is seeking to communicate frustrations or when one is in intimate relation with someone who is often irritable and agitated. a bitter medicine, 1/2 a tablespoon of vervain in 1-2 cups of water, infuses well and deep. this can be sweetened with honey or coconut sugar to your liking and shared with beloveds, even if there is no tension, just to instill a lovely flow in a day or during a particular season. this one has a cooling quality so it can bring things to a grounding point when the fire is getting too high. similarly, slippery elm also promotes a certain flow. this is a plant high in mucilage and, so, fairs well made into a syrup or a decoction simmered slowly over a period of time. it soothes the throat and the intestines, so it has an affinity for some of the soft places within us, promoting more of the comfort which is so aligned with the energy of this time for you. slippery elm has the quality of moving things out, so in the process of rest, retreat, and healing, they can aid in the detoxification of the old. this plant accomplice also contributes to the softening of our voices so that we may express with serenity. in our potion 000, the portal: ancestral inquiry they help to facilitate communication with our ancestors, a main undertone within the mercurial energy of the 10 of pentacles. slippery elm serves as a current of messages between a variety of sources. soursop leaf is also particularly exceptional in guiding us into greater harmony with the information in our blood and can really serve the work of supporting us during a time when we are excavating for deeper self-knowledge and, through this, finding stability and a foundation with longevity. in our graviola (soursop) leaf tincture, they do just that.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
taurus rising/sun/moon :: 5 of wands // cat’s claw + (11) justice // chaste tree berry // + page of swords // eleuthero
there is a lot of defensive and offensive energy coming into question at the moment — wrongs being righted, balance actually occurring, and all of this due to true and clear communications. messages might have been delayed and this could have created tension and antagonism in spaces where direct conversation could have brought changes more gracefully, yet this timing feels exactly ordained and right on the money, so to speak. there is lucidity coming forth regarding certain situations, while some of you are being asked to survey your communications and consider whether they are happening for the right reasons — are you simply gossiping? is what you are saying actually aligned with the truth of the events, energies, and intentions as they were in the moment you are describing? are you communicating from a place of envy and jealously? are you creating enemies out of people who could otherwise be perceived as characters which cause your story to develop? maybe someone is in conversation about you and they are expressing their sentiments with these sorts of energies. all in all, with the page of swords and 5 of wands in this reading, this is a clear indication that the communications and conversations are happening externally with at least one other person. you are asked to be mindful that you remain mature and that what you are saying is right and true. do not engage petty dramas and antagonistic gossip. consider this time as one more conducive to constructive criticism and finding new ways of conveying messages which enable them to get across more effectively and with the intended impact. this also prompts you to really check in with your intentions and consider how they will affect you later. the justice card is one connected to the sign of libra and, thus, the planet venus, but also very deeply connected to the energies of saturn and so can have long-term and karmic significance. the double element of air paired with the fire of this spread also speak to the fact that the balancing act is bringing some reasoning to situations which could readily become fiery and overloaded with hot emotions such as anger, rage, or irritation. this time is providing you with an opportunity to go about resolutions in a more level-headed and evolved manner. old ways of dealing with tensions and sharing certain information are no longer going to work going forward. while this might feel like an ultimatum, it’s really redirection toward progressive and expansive exchanges.
through this, several other things are clear — your immune and nervous systems are calling for your attention, and with that, it seems as if your reproductive system is where the balancing of these two can be made more swift. the immune system, being a center of defense and protection in our bodies, comes to the fore as one which could use a boost. cat’s claw, a deeply medicinal plant, is employed in shamanic use throughout various parts of the americas. they are known to restore vital energy and bring about transformation. as a defensive plant, they are considered an ‘opener of the way’, helping to counteract inflammations, plenty of which contribute to the formation of long-term discomforts and dis-eases. potent as they are, this is one that needs to be used with extra caution and mindfulness, so to engage with them, it is recommend that time be spent in meditation with them or that an herbal vinegar be prepared with them and then taken in very small doses as an energy shifter when one needs to be reminded of their power or when confidence feels depleted. chaste tree berry and eleuthero root are both ideal for brain function in a variety of ways — chaste tree berry is specifically useful for balancing within the womb and pituitary axis, correcting hormonal secretions as needed while at the same time promoting qualities of dream activation and recall. chaste tree berry is the bridge between two knowing centers within our bodies, the brain and the womb, and can act as one which makes it hard to not see or feel the truth as it is, a major aspect of the justice signature. in our winter elixir: the great wave of ai-xi luo, chaste tree berries (also known as vitex) works specifically within those higher and lower regions, bringing justice to one in the form of correcting any malfunctions. taking eleuthero throughout this next month or season is a great way to bring in the effects of both of the aforementioned plants — eleuthero is especially helpful for cognition while also being a boost to immunity. all of the plants mentioned here are profound and readily felt medicines, they mirror the qualities of the magnitude of this transition in your life. there is no more time for the same old ways of being and communicating — with the justice and clarity of this moment, your responsibility is to make a lasting leap into an evolved way.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
gemini rising/sun/moon :: queen of swords // lavender + (2) the high priestess // valerian root + (18) the moon // mugwort
the air around you is being clarified, and with this may come the alleviation of certain depressive energies which may have come and gone in waves throughout the preceding seasons. the signal of the coming times is that you are overdue for the transparency and revelation which is now finding you. in the coming days and semanas, a lot of light will be shed on things that you have been waiting in silence to hear about. your perception at this time is sharper and your overall senses are keen and refined. things that were unclear are becoming exponentially more lucid, and it may feel like some of these revelations come in abruptly. the queen of swords cuts through any cloudiness and confusion that can sometimes result from the formlessness of a lunation journey. with the high priestess as a supporting energy here, it is also suggested that though the illumination abounds, it is safest to keep things close to the chest for the time being. the wealth of knowledge you are contacting is edifying you, and it is meant to do just that on a deeply internal level before being dispersed in communion with another. the signals here also indicate that it is time to define some boundaries surrounding certain relationships and the ways in which self or others do not communicate thoroughly and truthfully. all of what is showing up for you is very akin to your personal nature as one with great potential to master powers of articulation and intelligence. your brain is healing through the balancing act of knowing the truth and sitting with it, and you are being reminded of the importance of integrating the aspects of intuition and logic. certain inklings, impressions, hunches, and messages can no longer be ignored, and trying to rationalize what may be true yet uncomfortable will prove detrimental if you forgo intuition for the comfort of whatever arrangements logic wants to make in your head. trust your discernment and move forward with the certainty of the principles you are aware of. something else that is coming up through these moments is the chance for you to apply knowledge through a more fluid and creative stream, whether through music, poetry, or channeling written word. overall, the impact and effect of this time is to your advantage in the long-run.
with all of this brain and mind activity at the fore and core of the experience in this season, it is clear that you will benefit from working directly on your nervous system. perhaps you have experienced certain anxieties, sadnesses, and/or sensory overload — whatever the case, there are accomplices who support your longevity through offering tonifying and nourishing support in moving through and from this process. valerian root, lavender, and mugwort all work within the nervous system and throughout the entire body, relieving tensions in a variety of ways. valerian root is very particular for reducing psychological stresses and eases the energy of the high priestess to soften into the knowledge and wisdom that is incubating within them. through this balancing of those more intense and uncomfortable psychological states, valerian root is very useful for promoting clarity of mind and perception. this accomplice has also been found as effective for anxieties, so they once more speak directly to the grace of the high priestess — the transparency afforded in communion with these signatures offers the kind of tranquility that can strengthen your sensibilities, fine-tuning your senses. best infused, valerian root is prepared by sitting in water for several minutes to an hour after the water has been brought to its boiling point and then removed from the heat source — the constituents in valerian root necessitate that specificity. prepared as tincture, such as in our autumn elixir: union of roots, they work very rapidly. mugwort, also ideal for mind workings, in connection to womb space/gut intuition, is one that supports release of confusion through attunement with the subconscious/primal and intuitive consciousness; mugwort helps with night vision through promoting dream world openings and enabling us to see more within those spaces — sometimes capable of activating lucidity in those who have gifts within dreaming. taking artemisia in tincture form such as in our winter elixir: the great wave of ai-xi luo, can prove to be deeply penetrative within the personal aura through the body and can further show up as a fluidity in physical movement. smudging with mugwort before resting is ideal for this, as is communion through infusion. because of their bitterness, mugwort is infused and injoyed in small doses. in our lunar journeys of the night, the power of mugwort offers a light, ensuring purity and precision in judgment and awareness. lavender with their strong aroma and delicate yet lush appearance is often used in aromatherapy for all sorts of nervous system conditions ranging from headaches to depression to anxiety to pains and cramps. a method of working with lavender is caring for a lavender plant and then using the lavender flowers to make an infused oil or a flower essence, or if you are unable to find the plant perhaps you can find the flower at an herb shop or local garden — whatever the case, take your time with this one; love on yourself with this one. the thing here is that the lessons of the queen of swords and the supporting majors are enduring and valuable. with these plants supporting you in these next few months, you will find yourself perceiving truthfully and creating affluently and with proper harmony.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
cancer rising/sun/moon :: 10 of swords // violet + king of pentacles // gotu kola + 22: the fool as initiate // reishi
there is an element of this moment that makes it feel like what is occurring in your life has already happened before. the difference in this time is that you are being asked to look at things more closely, to go into conversation with the uncomfortable and find release through that engagement. this moment is a clear initiation for you. your moves are more concrete yet there is this energy of mental excavation that is very present. the juxtaposition of the 10 of swords and the initiate is a clear signal that there is a certain risk involved or some kind of decision that you are considering making which may have you ruminating around the same (perhaps limiting) space in your mind, yet the interception of the king of pentacles comes as a reminder that you have time, that you do not need to rush, and that you don’t need to overwhelm yourself with obsessive considerations about what could go wrong — the 10 of swords says that this moment is a rightful end despite the discomfort and devastation that arises through some of what you are working through. right now, it is best for you to go inside and take inventory; sit with your memories, revelations, and feelings and consider the mathematics of what all of these situations and energetic signatures amount to or reduce your circumstances to. you are being asked to survey whether the elements of your present will be a source of stagnation or impetus. the gift that the 10 of swords and initiate offer you is that you are able to make well-informed decisions from an impartial perspective. the air-like quality of both of these cards combined with the earthly medicine that the king of pentacles brings also points to the elements that can help to ease your watery disposition into greater balance. working with smoke/smudge medicine to dispel mental and emotional upsets will serve you well here, or you can endeavor to create a mist that you can spray around your home and environment which will serve as a reminder to get grounded as the mist particles fall into your space through the air. another suggestion in this combination of cards is that you are becoming more aware of certain responsibilities that you have to adjust for so that you may live up to them. through and through, the elixir of this time offers you enlightenment that enables you to level up and do what is necessary to maintain balance. with the knowledge bestowed upon you through these contractions, you gain more grounding into where you actually find yourself and what the situation requires from you.
with all of the tangible evolution of this time, the invitation is to focus on a kind of mental alchemy for equilibrium. the plants and mushroom here are perfect accomplices for you on this part of the voyage. both gotu kola and reishi are main ingredients in key 22: the initiate tincture, and their purpose in this formula is to help ensure a level of security based on mental clarity and perceptive lucidity. gotu kola provides the stamina needed for the long journey that is usually the king of pentacle’s undertaking. this plant has been found to boost blood flow to the brain, thus enhancing a number of cognitive functions from memory to mathematical reasoning. gotu kola aids in the processes of internal excavation by facilitating our ability to perceive truthfully and without the filters of our traumas and experiences. through this, gotu kola works on a soul level to restore any of the fragmentation that may happen within a time such as what one experiences in the 10 of swords. they help us to ground into what is actually present within, before, and around us in such a way that it compels positive action. in tincture form, this one is also beneficial for respiratory conditions and also works as an aid in meditation because of their impact of deepening our breath, making it fuller. alongside reishi, all of the work that gotu kola does is fortified and catalyzed. reishi is particularly useful when we are in deep soul journeys that are requiring of more endurance from us. they possess anti-inflammatory powers that help to treat headaches and other sorts of conditions causing congestion in our system and fog in our brain. like gotu kola, they protect respiration and boost energy, furthermore serving as a gracing companion to both the king of pentacles and the king of pentacles as initiate. violet is soothing, containing demulcent properties which show up as mucilage to feed healthy gut bacteria, making this one a kind of bridge between the mental aspects of the medicine present for you and the deeper bodily-awareness that all of this is leading you into. an infusion, syrup, or honey of violet, sweet violet, combined with key 22’s tincture taken regularly from now into the equinox will prove to be a mighty combination as preparation for even more changes ahead.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
leo rising/sun/moon :: (15) the devil // red root + queen of cups // motherwort + ace of wands // ginger root
you are coming into a moment when situations and dealings may become more emotionally charged, yet a renewal in circumstances allows you to feel more in control of self; there’s a breakthrough to be made, though, and you are asked to consider how impulsive action could lead to long-term situations that you were not intending to be in. for some of you, this is telling you to be careful about moving too fast into sexual exchanges in certain relationships or that you may end up with child through dealing with people you attract on the basis of lust. the resonance here is an invitation to change your life and the way you approach the visceral reactions which arise when you encounter someone you may feel drawn to on a very physical level. for others of you, this is signaling that you need to be mindful of letting certain emotional energies get out of hand for they can be binding to your mind and then later you’ll realize that it is not what you intended, expected, or needed. the fire and water elements present here are alchemical and allow you to refine from within; this will require emotional and spiritual discipline from you. it will require that you be steadfast and serious in your devotion to self-improvement. you are truly being given an opportunity to be more mature, to seek the greater expression of your connection to others. the devil and the queen of cups are also calling for you to be more present with the sensations that arise through your body and the messages they could be sending you not only about what is happening within you, but also what is happening around you. this time is an offer to upgrade your emotional intelligence by shedding some of the obsessive patterns and repetitive behaviors that come up through the psychoemotional aspect of your being. the queen of cups here feels like a maternal force within yourself observing and correcting, all very calmly yet with a firmness. the queen of cups is pointing you in the direction of new potential. with the devil, you still have some birthing pains to experience before you make it into the next dimension of your life, but with the presence of the ace of wands you are given a chance to start again, to make a better move, to shift conditions to be more favorable, less ‘basic’ or rooted in basic desires and instincts. the ace of wands brings a fire that purifies, while the queen of cups offers water to cool and refresh. both of these cards are the formula needed for you to graduate from the lessons that the devil has brought; you are now more discerning, less taken by appearances. you have become more aware of how not maintaining control of your emotional self has contributed to bondage in your mind and unfavorable conditions in other parts of your life. now, you are liberating yourself by really integrating the intelligence of your sensitivities.
the water and air element within you are asking for your attention; the lymphatic, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems come to the fore here, and each of the plants that have shown up as supportive for you can bring various levels of healing to these systems and, thus, the entire organism. ginger and red roots are exceptional, especially in combination, for stimulating and alleviating stagnancy from the lymphatic system; motherwort is useful for both cardiovascular and respiratory health. red root is usually prepared in decoction form when there is some kind of issue or blockage within lymph nodes which are contributing to overall congestion and exhaustion in the body. this translates to the ability for us to move forward from circumstances which are impeding a flow of health and wealth in our lives. drinking a decoction of red root usually pairs well with using on the body an oil of plants such as lady’s mantle and red clover for further setting into flow any clogged up water in the body. ginger root comes forward with hot and pungent energetics to help bring dampness to the surface to further be released, usually through sweating. they are used in union of roots: autumn elixir and key 19: the sun for this purpose and to serve as a catalyst in the formula. both of these potions are ideal in journeys with the devil to help clarify and activate motion forward and away from the old forms of self we are shedding. ginger root is also ideal when there is digestive impairment which is contributing to overall cloudiness in the system — this is one that helps the brain and mind through clearing the stomach. ginger root contains the purification power that the ace of wands also holds. motherwort mothers the heart, the mind, the womb, our beings. soothing to grief, depressions, anxiety, and energetic upsets, this is a plant who provides the comforting energy of a mother, holding us close and safe in moments that propel us into sudden, yet necessary, adjustments and modifications of quality and character. motherwort is also particularly ideal for digestion, so they can help us to assimilate the metamorphosis and be easy in our transitions. working with these potions, a red root decoction, and a motherwort infusion for a number of days and taking breaks in between each series of days in communion is ideal for your trip into the upcoming equinox. between now and then, you will see your evolution and be glad that you stayed the course of transformation.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
virgo rising/sun/moon :: 3 of cups // white willow bark + (11) justice // chaste tree berry + king of wands // gentian
things may feel challenging or testing, and given the vibration of both 11 and 3 in this, there is a clear indication that what you are traversing relates to relationships and communications within those relationships. it seems like one or the other is in a position to deliver a truth that could be considered bold or which calls for an agreement or compromise to be made in the relating. you are able to see the situation from multiple angles and can readily consider all sides of the matter before moving forward with one decision or another — essentially, you are given the baton of power to direct the way that these dealings proceed. another clear indication with this combination of cards is the possibility that someone may come forward with a proposal or offering of love, and it will require that you be more discerning with how you engage certain people, namely friends. you may find yourself having to distance from people who only ‘want to see you happy’, theoretically. you may find that once certain shifts occur and connections become more committed, people will begin to reveal themselves as duplicitous. this will put you in a space where you may feel ‘taken back’ at what is revealed while also feeling like you have known certain energies to have been present all along. you are asked to make impartial judgments even when it comes to people who you feel to have a strong soul connection to. the next leg of this journey is leading you to honor the intimacies growing into new levels while also releasing connections where communications aren’t 100%, where communications feel competitive or even too maligned for the kind of inspiration that is motivating you right now. for some people, it will feel harsh because some of the truths coming to the fore here will be uncomfortable, but stepping through this portal will afford much wanted and needed transformations. despite the challenging energy here, there is great promise, so the reminder is to stay in the center of matters — do not get carried away into quarrels with people who, for one reason or another, may not be willing to see your perspective and in some cases are unwilling to even listen. the power of truth and divine law are on your side, and you will see great balance resulting from the simultaneous deliverance and opening that is occurring. while some relations and connections are becoming stronger, clearer, and more defined for the purpose they serve in your life, others are being clarified so that you may be fully aware that there is no reason to keep holding on. the sword of justice is one that is used to cut cords with the unnecessary, while the fire of the king of wands provides the necessary fuel to move through and forward.
something about this combination of water, air, and fire elements, while pertaining to the external and our projections in a sense, feels like very clear guidance toward some heart alchemy. it is also showing up that digestive and reproductive concerns are due for healing intervention, so the plants showing up for you offer to assist. white willow bark is exceptional for pain relief, serving as an analgesic in arthritic pains and swelling. they contain a rich blend of antioxidants and other compounds which make them ideal as anti-inflammatory to the joints, respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract. a decoction of willow bark has proven to exceptional for these matters. in oil form, such as our upcoming evolving flow: full moon/moon oil (available 2/25), willow bark can be used in massage to alleviate menstrual cramps and other bodily aches. willow is one for going deep into the sensations that the body is moving with; they remind us to be flexible, bending without breaking. chaste tree berry is another one who comes in handy when we are experiencing some sort of physical imbalance. they are particularly indicated for reproductive concerns related to infertility and such issues through their workings on hormones. this factor is what makes them an ideal accomplice for a journey with arcanum 11: justice, as they can help to check hormonal imbalances, like the justice card calls us to check our circumstances and relationships and ensure equilibrium within them. working with this berry is only advised on a case by case basis, so perhaps your communion with it can begin in the very libra mode of learning more about this plant, seeking information and engaging the mind to innerstand how they work. gentian comes forth here providing you with the necessary support for your digestion and reproduction. they are very bitter and possess the quality of stimulating digestion and liver function, thus aiding in reproductive concerns which may also be connected to hormonal imbalances or dysfunction. gentian has been used as a bitter before meals to help with proper assimilation of foods, and you can use it as such by making an infusion of 1/2 teaspoon of the root in a cup of water to start off — it is that bitter, so it is best to enjoy them in incremental quantity. our upcoming formula mother of all lands: kiskeya’s womb tonic (available 2/25) contains gentian root as a main ingredient. all of these plants are strong accomplices — you can receive the medicine you need at this moment just by sitting with them. willow bark, chaste tree berry, and gentian come to offer you both relief and regulation — the particular signatures you need to stabilize your energies and situations.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
libra rising/sun/moon :: (13) death // agrimony + 8 of pentacles // damiana + 2 of cups // lady’s mantle
there’s a hint of you feeling in love again, and it is no coincidence that two rose family plants (lady’s mantle and agrimony) are showing up for you at this time — this is all very libra but with a twist. what you are learning these days is that who you thought you were is only a part of who you are, so you are evolving. the death card alongside the 8 of pentacles signals that you are reevaluating your circumstances as it pertains to the work you do and the craft(s) you work with — you may be considering some changes in the way that you work or what you are working on after some conversations with someone who you are in intimate connection to (not necessarily sexually). the change in direction feels sudden yet also welcomed, so you are experiencing a revival of loving forces within due to feeling like you can finally be steady in a certain course of action. a part of you may want to isolate or pull back from being amongst crowds and groups for a bit, primarily because you intend to hone in on and become more refined in the skills that the craft requires. moreover, you may be in a space of having to find balance between creating and relating (outside of what you create in solitude). whatever the case, there has been an illumination upon certain details of what you are doing, and it is helping you to move things to the next level by engaging with it all more wholeheartedly. the aspect of death is present here as a reminder that if there is something you feel you cannot be true or fully devoted to, you should let it go or at least stop considering it as a priority. these moments are teaching you about the importance of refinement in the process of things, as opposed to the refinement happening in retrospection and perhaps with a mix of feelings that may include undertones of regret. another aspect here is inviting you to check how interested you even are in the relations and situations that you find yourself so often having to communicate in. regardless of what you are dealing in, there is a shapeshifting happening, you are emerging more fully as yourself through shedding and upgrades. the work itself is asking you to be closer with it and to get to know yourself from another angle through it. you could decide to go into a space of learning, whether online or in person, from someone who is adept in facets of the craft that you are just now encountering — from the looks of it, this someone is closer to you than you realize and they will help you to graduate into the next level of technique and artistry. looking even more closely, this someone may be an ancestral guide, giving you prompts in silence, through dreams.
a great part of the work here is for you to trust more readily in the suggestions that arise. you may find yourself in conversation with someone who provides some constructive criticism or perhaps you may put yourself in a position to have your work be assessed by a teacher of your craft — you realize that you already knew or felt to do the things that will be suggested. the plants that come forth for you now are heart-opening, mind-brightening friends who serve as trustworthy companions in this rite of passage — they all contain multitudes and levels. agrimony is beautiful — there is just so much that this medicine offers and holds. they contain tannins which make them ideal for snakebites and other bites which may be poisonous. they also contain a bitter principle which contribute to their liver-healing aspect while also making them ideal for treating lung dampness or frequencies of grief that are festering unchecked. the particular grief-healing aspect is part of their effect in flower essence form such as through the house of truth — they help us to speak with the truth of what we are actually feeling based on experiences had and what we know of those we are in engagement with. in this way, agrimony is effective as a companion through death because they aid us in shedding the facades while also clearing out anything that would otherwise be toxic to us. in your particular journey, libra, agrimony fairs well with the medicine of lady’s mantle because lady’s mantle, the little alchemist, helps you to see the beauty in the lead so to speak. alchemilla (lady’s mantle) is for those devoted to the work of refinement and the evolution of the soul. they are considered a beauty remedy, very softening but also firming at the same time. they possess an astringency which tones organs while also providing antioxidant support against the effects of what dead cellular information can do in the body. in alchemical dew drops, lady’s mantle is paired with a gold essence to further facilitate the synthesis. damiana is a jing tonic, an aphrodisiac, and can help boost mental stamina. knowing that, it is no wonder that they are a reflection of the 8 of pentacles in which we channel our creative, sensual, and sexual energies into our work and inventions. the jing is something like the primal, instinctive, genetic power of the body; the raw vitality that motivates our passions. with damiana, we can enter into the intimacy with our craft (8 of pentacles + 2 of cups) and/or find intimacy in/through our craft. whichever angle you’re looking at it from, one thing is very clear: you have all the open space to get more tantric with life and unlock new levels in your experience.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
scorpio rising/sun/moon :: (9) the hermit // sage + (4) the emperor // horehound + 3 of cups // white willow bark
the ‘ten thousand things’ are happening in layers and spirals, so do not try to rush the process of getting to where you intend to go; be easy on yourself. this is a message you are receiving in many ways. as past issues meet resolutions and you enter into a greater healing period, you may feel a tug between celebrating in community and just being with yourself and processing everything that has happened and is still happening. part of the proposition here is for you to improve your endeavors by turning the attention inward to self and spending time in proper integration of the information you are receiving so that you will be able to build something even more concrete in the coming times. by the equinox, there will an acceleration into action, so use as much of this time as you can for rest and recuperation. with the energies of virgo and aries present here, you really are in a space to be of service to yourself and focus specifically on the head as a point in the body to catalyze an overall mending — through this you experience rejuvenation of the entire organism, heart included. working directly with the brain and seeking to initiate yourself into new neural pathways will prove to be ideal for you in making breakthroughs to seeing the manifestation of potentials. reorienting your scheme by changing your day-to-day habits is a way to recalibrate — the 9 frequency as a hermit energy is loud about you letting old patterns and programs die, and then coming forth illuminated. this is a reflective period where you will gain keys and tools for what you will see more of in the spring — you in more harmonious communal spaces, being either leader or teacher within some dynamics while serving as a wise counsel or advisor in others. yes, this time is setting you up to be more-so in the spotlight later on. some of you are taking a break from being out in the open; now you are incubating with fresh ideas which will require you to meet them with a level of ambition and authority later on. use this time as an organizational period so that when the movement picks up you know exactly what you ought to be doing. do not play about your rest right now because if you do, you’re going to wish for it in just a bit. the juxtaposition of the hermit and the emperor also suggests that there is an elder (maybe not in age but in wisdom) who can offer you some guidance or direction for building your legacy. a lot of the scorpio energy is here carrying forth ancestral legacies, so the messages coming in are directly connected to your innate self — there is an impulse through your cells which is provoking and triggering all of this. listen and rest — that is what you can do for now. integrate and heal — this is the fusion of all that work you have done so far. proceed with grace.
within the arrangement occurring, there is a feeling that your body is going through certain upgrades. some sensitivities have become more acute and you are learning how the physical processes are intently connected to talents which emerge from ‘less tangible spaces’. the plants showing up here are vibrationally compatible with this kind of altering. sage is an accomplice well-known by hoodoos and indigenous folk. in the southern united states, sage tea has been used to prevent and treat colds; sage tea was also drunk in the rising hours as a way to boost memory and stimulate energy. their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties have made them ideal for use as a gargle when one is experiencing sore throats. containing a wide array of compounds and constituents, they have also been considered effective for everything from upset stomach to headaches. their healing energy for the throat, head, and stomach can be considered a remedy for some of the intelligence (or expression of intelligence) centers of our body, thus their connection to the hermit becomes evident. on another level, sage purifies the mind and heart, enabling perception to be as lucid as necessitated in the experience that you find yourself in. both sage and willow bark are found in our upcoming oil evolving flow: full moon/moon oil (available 2/25) for their ability to enable us to process information more clearly by treating headaches, cramps, and other potentially mind-clouding conditions. horehound is another one that is well-known to conjurors of the south. it is an expectorant which has been used to aid in the relief of coughs, asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory conditions. they have anti-inflammatory properties, like sage and willow bark, and can similarly be used to relieve pain. all of these plants suggest that your increasing bodily awareness and overall embodiment will be a strong springboard for you to catapult into knowledge of the dimensions you are carrying, of the stories that your aches and pains hold, and the lessons ingrained which instruct you on how to transmute. focus on your head, focus on your heart, focus on your lungs, focus on yourself, and allow the coolness of the earthy virgoan nature to quell the hot dampness that can accompany your scorpionic intensity when influenced by aries’ fire.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
sagittarius rising/sun/moon :: 7 of pentacles // echinacea + (20) judgment // spearmint + 8 of pentacles // damiana
unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, there are some things that cannot be undone or redone — your one choice is to reconcile with the matter and move forward, to use this as a lesson on how to work smarter and more conducive to what you are actually intending. certainly, you are figuring it out. they told you, ‘you gon learn’, and you learned. make sure to take a deep breath before you keep going. the 7 of pentacles calls you to be patient in your work and continue to move through it until you reach a point of certitude with what you are doing, while the 8 of pentacles reminds you to remain diligent. judgment bridges the two as a key to help you see the bigger picture of it all. through arcanum 20 you are afforded a reconstruction period and a chance to step into greater awareness which could come through a period of apprenticeship or self-guided study. the judgment card is also a turning point that comes through an epiphany or sudden realization. it feels like you are working through something in a very physical sense, whether related to the body, a job, or some other financial matter like your career and chosen work path, and with the offering of key 20 you experience a sense of redemption very suddenly which sheds light on things and further enables you to proceed properly. the 7 of pentacles and judgment cards also indicate that you are able to see the various alternatives and learn about your own powers of adaptability and change. something you should be aware of here is that trusting this journey will put you in a better place with what you are already doing. arcanum 20 gives you a chance to level up by providing you with a clearer innerstanding of your purpose and calling. it may feel like you are working overtime, at times, while other times you won’t have the energy to do that — again, the key here is maintaining balance while embodying the virtue of patience; it will take you further than you imagined, so in great alignment with your sagittarius signature, the expansion is bound to be massive. remain practical while being ambitious; allow yourself to see things as they really are so that you won’t end up feeling like you wasted time on anything. any frustration, irritation, or anxiety related to finances or stability and security on any level is inciting you to approach a crossroads where you can make a decision to better your life overall.
another aspect of this time is integrating the use of the logical faculties within your brain to achieve your intentions. this moment is a foundation for long-term conditions so keep that in mind as you continue to develop your skills. with all of this, echinacea, spearmint, and damiana are more than perfect for you. echinacea is an immune-boosting, energy-protecting accomplice which comes in handy when you are feeling insecure or otherwise vulnerable to sickness and other disorders or discomforts. they come through as useful when much is required of us yet we feel like we may not have much energy left to work with. this is especially evidenced through using them as flower essence or when you combine them in infusion with damiana which is a tonic useful for promoting stamina and endurance. damiana ensures staying power, enabling us to go the course however long required for the particular matter at hand. they are also considered aphrodisiac so they can be integrated as that and then channeled to express the sexual energy in a more creative way. further targeting the reproductive system, damiana is exceptional for cramps and aches of the womb and other generative and regenerative organs. for this, they are used in our evolving flow: full moon/moon oil which will be available soon (on 2/25). another use of damiana which connects well with your journey is that they relax the energy while enhancing the mood, so they are considerably effective when some of the uncertainty of the 7 of pentacles arises or when the 8 of pentacles feels like it is asking too much of us at any moment. spearmint and damiana, like damiana and echinacea, also pair well with each other in infusion or even as a honey. spearmint is a potent aromatic which is used for improving memory, digestive function, and other conditions. the compounds in spearmint help to inhibit and stimulate the endocrine system in different ways making them ideal for hormonal balance which is a primary reason why they are a part of our upcoming potion mother of all lands: kiskeya’s womb tonic (available 2/25). 1/2 to 1 tsp of damiana, echinacea, and spearmint can be added to two cups of hot water and allowed to steep for 10-15 minutes; you can prepare and enjoy this drink for 15 days, 2 times a day to receive the benefits which will strengthen your mind and stabilize your heart. all of these allies have a common thread of bringing balance while also promoting clarity and security — exactly what you need and seek at this time.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
capricorn rising/sun/moon :: 5 of pentacles // white oak bark + (2) the high priestess // valerian root + (8) strength // nettle
your intuitive impressions are strong and guiding you to meditate on how to make better use of the resources available to you along with the ways in which your personal values are due for reconsideration. another expression of this mix of cards is that you are seeking a harmonization of aspects within yourself in order to find a common ground from which you can grow whole. with a sharp focus, you are able to see through any sort of upsets to your material and physical circumstances into the growth and maturation that these moments are offering you. what follows is that you may find yourself having to step outside of certain comfort zones in order to have your needs met or just admitting that you have certain needs in order to come into contact with others who can facilitate the acquiring of proper resources. some of you are learning about how to best stabilize yourself and may be playing the cards closer to your chest while you gather the strength necessary to continue forward into actualizing more of your visions. you are in a moment of contention with energies, internal and/or external, which may present themselves as antagonistic to your security. some of you may even feel as if it is necessary to do some ritual work surrounding your finances, home, or other form of material/physical security that you have. you may need to, in specific and perhaps secret ways (ritual work keeps coming up), be a bit defensive so as to expel any energetic signatures, within and without, which are not only contributing to unnecessary tensions but also proving to be the very qualities and characteristics that you were warned about or some other way foresaw coming. one of the powerful things about this time is that you are transmuting a precise kind of karmic energy which is regarding your connection to others and how you relate to the world. what comes from all of this is that you will feel as if you are receiving a boost of energy and vitality from forces that you may not be able to identify but that you nevertheless feel as present and aiding you. strength is offered to you from ‘high places’, so to speak, and you are able to swiftly overcome any obstacles which could show up. there are some feminine energies showing up right now, which may or may not be ancestral, who are intending to reveal information that will help to liberate you even further into a safer internal space and moreover a greater security in life. tap in.
the primary energetic actions of the plants showing up for you to journey with into the equinox are perfectly in sync with the qualities that you should accentuate and assimilate into your being. white oak bark is profoundly medicinal — treating everything from arthritis to kidney stones to parasitic worms, white oak bark is widely used for its astringency and its strong expectorant capacity, thus it has been considered ideal for treating wounds and helping to remove phlegm and mucus, alike. this bark is one which aids in release and relief and is really considered strengthening to the body when taken as a tonic for a number of days, preferably in combination with a mucilage-rich or moistening herb like slippery elm bark or astragalus root, while drinking lots of water. in hoodoo they are used to break jinxes and strengthen the aura. this particular quality is also found within nettle. nettle is blood cleansing and fortifying, and like white oak bark, they further help to balance kidney and urinary functions. nettle is one which contains a wide array of minerals and nutrients making them ideal and safe for daily use as infusion. nettle is revitalizing to the reproductive, digestive, and cardiovascular system which speaks to nettle’s overall tonic energy. nettle and valerian are both found in union of roots: autumn elixir to help ease us into transits that simultaneously call for harvest, release, and integration. valerian root is reflective of the high priestess due to their ability to relax us into our greater knowings and thus alleviate anxiety, depression, worry, or confusion when overstimulated or unsure. valerian helps to switch our state of consciousness through promoting alpha brain waves which are linked to feelings of expanded mental clarity and the ability to perform and learn optimally. all three of these plants are used in hoodoo for jinx removal and to alleviate stagnation of the mind which is creating blockage or a feeling of crossed conditions. a useful ritual for you could be a bath taken with an infusion of these 3 added to the water or poured over yourself after you shower if you don’t have a bathtub — in either case, it is ideal that you allow yourself to air dry as opposed to towel drying so that you further absorb this medicine and repair any holes or tears in your energetic constitution. doing this while drinking one or two of these three in infusion form will also help with this. this is a ritual that you should do for 7, 9, or 13 consecutive days to see substantial energetic shifts. let the waters wash it away and comfort you, all the same.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
aquarius rising/sun/moon :: (13) death // agrimony (twice) + (2) the high priestess // valerian root
on the surface things look still, almost as if nothing is happening at times; yet the truth of the matter is that you are going through major changes, serious upgrades offered by specific intel and information you are coming into contact with. there is nothing light about this moment in the sense that you are deep in the shadows with yourself but this is really because you are restructuring your life in a very real and lasting way — the transmutation of this moment will have life-long impacts. another aspect of this is that you are evolving in the way you process and share information which is due to some of your gifts becoming more pronounced and you being in a space of shedding anything that is in the way of the work you are meant to do in the world. you have learned plenty about why it is so important for you to trust your intuition and the messages you receive regarding people around you and specifically the more intimate relatings in your life — your ancestors are attempting to communicate with you or have been communicating information that is causing you to move away from situations and people that are not intending to evolve with you or are evolving at a rate that is conflicting with your progress. all in all, the connecting thread is the call for adjustment and restoration. your psychic powers may also feel like they are very sharp: you see what you’re about to see, your hear people saying your name before they call or text, you feel just how acute your perceptions are — so much for detachment, right? with all of this, this is a call to bond and connection. both the high priestess and the death cards correspond to the water element and entities like scorpio and pluto and the moon — each of these cards deal with the underworld within self, the subconscious or unconscious, that which we conjure up through dreams and may seem too great to actually be, but these are the elements from which we draw power so that we may manifest. with this in mind, you may find that you are called to connect more closely with your creative centers either by targeting the reproductive organs, engaging in more fluid movement such as dance or yoga while in solitude, or working to address how the energy of the mother (or father) wound might show up within you. this also implies that you are receiving guidance on how to tread through the traumas of your progenitors as evidenced through your particular timespiral (timeline) so that you can activate and actualize healing that will benefit posterity — again, the impacts here range far, wide, and long. the death and high priestess cards also pertain to the mysteries, the unknown, so you may find yourself in a period of deeper study with some of these things, learning more about the occult arts and esoteric knowledge. the key focus through these arcana is on healing, transformation, and an increase in awareness of gifts and abilities.
agrimony and valerian root are perfect anchors for your airy dispositions. they help to ground you into the intelligence that is present in the physical, the lesson that is evident in what is dying. agrimony is a plant which can enhance psychological balance by their work on liver and, thus, pituitary and endocrine function. they also alleviate menstrual discomforts by reducing inflammation and heavy bleeding. in considering how you are in a place of working through genetic baggage, you may find agrimony to be ideal because they are also effective in detoxifying the body, translating well as one that can help us undo fragmentation and impairment inherited. in flower essence form, like in the house of truth, they help us to perceive our circumstances and inner landscape with honesty, furthermore enabling us to express in the same light — bringing the shadows to be acknowledged, as opposed to ignored, for appropriate incorporation and unification with the totality of self. with valerian root, aquarius can find comfort for some of the anxieties that arise as we move through the ponderosity of such life-changing moments. valerian aids in the process of comprehending and innerstanding new information or how to do new things with old tools. valerian helps us to see possibilities and make clear choices in accordance with the option that serves our highest good. they are used in conjure for uncrossing and to break jinxes, as is agrimony. an infusion with both of these is ideal for journeys with keys 2 and 13 as they are of assistance when we want to sit with ourselves, take inventory, and go through the proper releases. these two are also talismans of self-initiation and can be taken as a combination through flower essence and tincture form such as house of truth combined with union of roots: autumn elixir. roots and flowers hold some of the most potent medicine of plants. they are also symbolic of the seen and unseen: us and our inner world, us and our ancestral pre-configurations, the conscious and the unconscious, the high up and the deep down. with valerian root and agrimony as companions on your pilgrimage into a more preeminent expression of your powers, you will swiftly comprehend the reasons why and the methods how.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
pisces rising/sun/moon :: prince of pentacles // muira puama + (2) the high priestess // valerian root + (19) the sun // chamomile
slow and steady, yet consistent — that is the pace which benefits you most right now. the result of all the work you are putting in promises sunnier days. this could be literal — you considering a move to warmer places or at least taking some time away there to gather certain knowledge which lead to breakthroughs into illumination. there is something that you will learn, something that will become clear and apparent to you in the coming month. the high priestess and the sun provide you with the clarity of mind necessary for the journey that the prince of pentacles makes for process to progress. the high priestess urges you to stay on track and keep your focus, while the sun shows out to say that it will all be worth it. you may find yourself coming across someone who seems to be good for long-term business or some other sort of contractual relationship, and with this you are reminded that the layers of what you are doing require cooperation and communication with those who may be able to make some things more graceful and easy for you. do not be afraid to reach out for help as needed, all the while being mindful of how much you let people into your energy as you are working and figuring things out. trust that even if certain decisions feel difficult to make at times, anything hidden will come to the surface. you are protected and divinely guided. there is wisdom readily available to you that has been gained from past experiences, trial and error — do not forget to draw on this knowledge when you need to. with the number 2 of the high priestess you find yourself on a sort of 2-way street, with ideas flowing between inner and outer self — tune into what is actually happening and forming within you, what you are nurturing, consciously or not, so that you are more definite in your knowing of what your actions will bring about. a big part of the lessons of this time involve you continuously realizing that karma is actually a law of cause and effect, action and reaction. be receptive to the creative forces without becoming too withdrawn or isolated; trust in the art that you are making or being called to make as it can inform the processes of those who may not have the same kind of capacity for expression. through the way you are living right now, you are serving as an example for people who you may not even be aware are watching your actions just because you are someone they admire or see as possessing certain wisdom they need.
considering that this moment can feel very mental for you, muira puama, valerian root, and chamomile are all extremely beneficial. muira puama is one frequently used in indigenous ‘brazilian’ medicine. their medicinal qualities are effective for conditions ranging from erectile dysfunction to alzheimer’s. muira puama can help with boosting memory, alleviating stress, and relieving depression. they work very intricately within the reproductive and pituitary axis, helping to quell imbalances in body and mind. similarly, chamomile has many health benefits while being specifically ideal in cases of anxiety, insomnia, and otherwise irritating conditions. with their antiseptic properties, they have been found to be effective against microbial infections. taken in a tea of 2 teaspoons of flowers per cup of hot water and steeped for 15 minutes is effective as an every day remedy which ultimately brightens the disposition and enables one to hold a more brilliant and lucid perspective. chamomile is an ingredient in our key 19: the sun tincture for their ability to promote confidence, ease, and happiness. they also combine with a number of other herbs in that formula to target reproductive, digestive, and respiratory function, making them effective in breathing deep and fully taking in the nourishment that is available through us in the air and earth that surrounds us. (note that attention to digestive, reproductive, and respiratory functions is a focus for you). valerian root has an energy that works similarly to chamomile and which pairs well with chamomile for optimal digestive, reproductive, and nervous system activity. in union of roots: autumn elixir, they do precisely this, while also promoting overall energetic serenity. chamomile and valerian root pair well as a sleep aid infusion and could surely come in handy for some of the dreamwork that is possible with and oftentimes telling of the presence of the high priestess. with everything that you are doing on a more external level, you may find that chamomile and valerian offer you some internal respite through innerscapes of imagination and dream. go deep so that when you come up again, you will feel yourself with a new appreciate for and innerstanding of the solar frequencies.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
*Herbascopes™ is a system of divination developed by Gold Water Alchemy. Contact us at el@goldwateralchemy.com or through the Contact form with any questions or comments you may have. Personal readings and consultations can be booked here. You can use the button below to send a donation for this work. Direct donation via PayPal can be sent to goldwateralchemy@gmail.com or $goldelsie on CashApp . Thank you for your support!