Herbascopes™ / Keys for Hippocampal Activation: New Moon + Spring Equinox Medicine
“imagine if you saw a hippo running around the school campus - you wouldn’t forget that”. in an 11th grade psychology class, this is how the teacher taught us about one of the primary functions of the hippocampus. but there’s so much more to the hippocampus, and i think it’s very important to make note of the fact that my teacher, Ms. Adams, used the word “imagine”. the hippocampus, it has been found, has an influence upon imagination and the more i do dreamwork, i find it greatly influences dreams by way of not only the memory and/or imagined scenario, but also by way of the emotional imprints that are carried in those moments. the hippocampus deals a great much wit integration of the sense-able faculties beyond the primary 5 senses. a center with a lot of potential located close enough to the pineal gland, so that says a lot. and i start thinking… the more i consider agendas in the general mass media and the symbolism that is constantly being thrown in our faces, the more i see how there are blatant attempts at not only desensitizing the masses but even imprinting upon the emotional body to suggest certain responses in the situations depicted in the scenes displayed in the image/word/thought/action boxes of televisions and computer screens and cell phones. there is, perhaps ironically, with the rise of mass media in this very accessible way, a capitalization upon our imaginations and many suggestions are made as to what our minds and hearts and spirits should be attentive to. can we reclaim some of that space though? maybe this is just a personal yearning, but i sense that it isn’t, so the following herbascopes are shared wit the intention to provide ‘soft’ and graceful guidance toward a reclamation of inner space. it is clear that plenty of you who commune wit these words and offerings are already ‘in there’ so to speak, so this offering will primarily serve as some of those ‘little signs’ along the way. may the vision be eternally aligned wit truth. (p.s. the synchronicity numbers listed for each sign are numbers that may either show up a lot during the cycle or could be useful to integrate into your practice in some ritualistic way to deprogram (decalcify)/reprogram your hippocampus. an example could be saying a mantra an amount of times such as those numbers listed for your sign).
*(If you know your moon and/or rising signs, it is recommended that you read the scopes for each of them, along with your sun sign. If you have knowledge of any stellium sign(s) in your chart, it is advisable that you read the ones corresponding to that as well. These can be read for both tropical and sidereal astrological aspects.)
aries rising/sun/moon :: (9) the hermit // sage + (2) sweat lodge/purification
synchronicity numbers: 9, 2, 11
the purpose of the sweat lodge ceremony is not merely for sweating - the act of sweating is for intense purification. this process is one of completion and integration, with a concurrent need for patience in the act of release. being invited into this space through the initiation of the hermit is nothing short of a walkway for the shaman. the atonement that is called for at this time enables you to assess your current position and the ways that refinement can afford you a much needed and yearned for upgrade. sacrifices may need to be made, and contrary to your inclination, it is advisable that you spend some time in solitude in the coming moments - the wisdom awakened through this will surely help enhance your presence when you do find yourself in community. truly, this is about doing what needs to be done to get to where you say you want to be. the symbolic water shed through this purification ritual is one that catalyzes your flow and awakens what you know of self-nurturing, in turn strengthening the quality of what you can offer to others. an energy associated with virgo, the hermit is one that makes us more aware of our physical health and prompts us to attune to the parts that may need some cleansing, so this is all part of the call for you in this moment - cleansing mind, body, and spirit. your heart may feel focused upon expanding your mental scope, while the intuitive faculties within are simultaneously urging you to focus on detoxification as the seasons shift and the wheel gets ready to turn in your favor, once again.
with both the sweat lodge and hermit cards, there is an aspect of needing to retreat into a dark space so that you can emerge without the difficulties that may be impeding your progress. this is like returning to the womb to be in a safe space with self. the numbers 2 and 11 speak beautifully to this - 2 being symbolic of the mother aspect, also mirroring the lunar energies which you may be invited to work with as you contract into new life; while 9 is symbolic of the time it takes to fulfill the journey ahead, also depicting the thoroughness that you move with. 9 is one that added to any number will equal back to the single digit version of that number, and multiplied by a number, the product always adds up to 9. the hermit is able to be alone because they are all-encompassing in their ways and, thus, complete within themselves. an herbal ally for this part of your voyage, sage, lends much to both the physical and psychoemotional aspects of this work. in the body, sage works to expel colds, flu, viruses, and other respiratory ailments - they have an alleviating quality about their medicine that translates very well on a deeper level. being relaxing for the nervous system, they can soothe us in times when we might need more grounding or feel overstimulated by all the information, activity, and responsibility that we are confronting. considering the master energy of 11 which enables us to be more clear about the purpose and proper use of dual energies, sage is one that can be ideal for meditative breakthroughs which deepen our innerstanding. key 9: the hermit is one of those potions that is in sync with this work. sage, along with the other allies in that formula, really enable us to step confidently into our voice and creative expression through facilitating full intimacy with the more internal aspects that we can access in and for our expansion. these allies all congregate to teach us lessons of purification, patience, resilience, and the resulting wisdom.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
taurus rising/sun/moon :: (4) the emperor // horehound + (38) field of plenty/ideas and needs manifested
synchronicity numbers: 4, 38, 11, 42, 6, 15
after spending some time doing vision work, you feel a deep need to see things concretize, so you are beginning to take the actions which promise formal manifestation. there is a stirring happening in the home-front or within your community which is calling for you to take the lead on certain matters - plenty of this may start at home as you devise a solid plan for what you see as vital and essential next. a spirit of gratitude joins you on the journey, reminding you of the importance of giving thanks for what is present while actively working toward stepping into the next phase. any distrust or worry you had in regards to material needs being met or certain occurrences happening at the required time can be released because your ancestors and spirit guides are assuring the ease of flow for you with the coming times. keep in mind the importance of sharing the wealth being afforded to you in the various ways. field of plenty, resonating with 11/2 through the vibration of 3, creativity and expression, and 8, abundance and continuity, speaks very loudly* of the necessity for communal space in this time where one may otherwise be called toward deeper isolation. you may be in a time of developing the relationship with the ‘masters’ or ‘mother’ energy that can further nurture your innerstanding and, thus, support your developments and evolution. with key 4, there is a grounding of the field of plenty - again, you are seeing the visions take form. what has been in the head (aries/the emperor) will take shape through the seed planted and rooting. the medicine of these moments will prompt you to check in with your energy centers, see closely into your ‘chakras’ and balance where necessary. some areas of excess may be in the head, perhaps even the throat, whereas the sacral, root, and even the solar plexus might be experiencing a deficiency because the ‘head work’ is not experiencing grounding. now that it may be warmer where you live, take time to plant your feet upon the earth. if you can’t, walk barefoot around your home. if not that, imagine your tailbone, continuing from the base of your spine and rooting into the earth. for some of you, the opposite could be the case, so you will be invited to do vision and dream work.
the basis of this is that an attunement with self is required so that in developing that right relationship with the source entity that is you, you learn more about how to fully engage with others from a truly masterful place. the point here is that there is no lack. a good idea for you could be to consider the way you are integrating information about all the stimuli that you are engaging and interacting with. sometimes your perception is distorted by the filters through which you are perceiving, so dusting off the record, so to speak, is key at this time. the allies that show up for you come in the form of plants, animals, and numbers - the connections you are attending to are as personal as they are universal, so really pay attention and sharpen your powers in synthesis. your medicine will be stronger because of it. herbs considered ideal for the emperor are those with digestive and respiratory healing actions, for the emperor is one whose mental state and voice (air) is in direct relation to their ability to properly process and synthesize information received. respiratory system power also translates well to cardiovascular strength and, furthermore, digestive precision, so part of the work with key 4 is about thorough attention to detail within and without. horehound offers medicine to all of the systems mentioned, and more. as a vasodilator, they open up the blood vessels and relax heart tension all the while promoting a balance in the blood pressure. they also have a bitter quality which makes them ideal for treating intestinal parasites thus clarifying (one of) our information processing, aka digestive system. in magick, they are considered ideal for divination work and to fortify the vision - this is naturally the result of the works they do on a physical level. key 4: the emperor is a formula for this very grounding yet expansive work. the properties of horehound and the other allies present in that formula remind us of the power of the mind when combined with the heart and guide us to revive a unity of spirits within.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
gemini rising/sun/moon :: (21) the world // elder + (33) dreamtime/unlimited vision
synchronicity numbers: 21, 33, 54, 3, 6, 9
this is a time of completing artistic projects and venturing into the inner scapes to receive renewed visions on how to further nourish what is in the works. the world comes forward as signal heralding the promise of success, and with their energy of 3 channeled through 21, we see the aspect of nurturing the innovative wellspring within. a lot of ideas for new projects and expanding present ventures are revealed through dream time lucidity. insights are afforded in the silence of the night. with both of these cards having resonance of 3 and its multiples, it is evident that the vibration of the moment is one that results from a uniting of forces to achieve a common goal. with the world present and the 4 fixed signs of the zodiac being depicted on the imagery of this card, there is clear evidence of a steadying and stabilization within the journey - this is a point when things can become a lot more concrete. this is about grounding your ideas into the material realm - fixed signs are well known to carry forward what cardinal signs initiate, whereas the mutable signs finish things off. with your gemini mutability, you can be sure that what you draw forth from tapping into the fixed resilience is going to be seen through to the end, so keep dreaming and organizing your mind’s content. saturn is connected to key 21, so there are lessons relating to time, discipline, and order which are showing up for you in a variety of ways at this time. as you move into this momentum that will demand more of your focus and concentration, you also find an abundance of resources along the way which promote a deep transformation in your imagination. you are shifting and going through some paramount internal enhancement. the closest fixed sign to you is taurus, so this may be a good sign to look to for clues on how to invigorate both your powers of resilience and creation.
with the synchronicity numbers that guide you in this time being all related to ‘3’, you may want to work your rituals and cast your spells in patterns of 3 - for 3 days, 3 semanas, 3 months, etc. you may even organize your project using the triple frequency. there is so much that you can do at this time to fully align yourself with the leveling up that is brewing for you. the key is to be intentional and fortify + keep your discipline. an ally that teaches us much about both resilience and wealth, elder is one that is readily effective as a medicine for affirming our wisdom in times that require us to be simultaneously child-like, open to possibility, and aligned with the wisdom of the elders. also readily associated with rites of death and rebirth, elder can accompany us as we cross the threshold of new beginnings following a time of completion. key 13: death contains elderberries as a primary ingredient because of their storytelling capacity when instructing us on allowing transformation. as protective in the body, they can be effective as guardian during catalytic progression. inviting more of their energy into your life at this time can prove to be effective for awakening your ingenuity while also exalting your spiritual and emotional intelligence.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
cancer rising/sun/moon :: (15) the devil // red root + (37) great mystery/original source
synchronicity numbers: 15, 37, 52, 6, 10, 1, 16, 7
there are aspects of you which require you to be silent in order to fully release certain attitudes that are slowing down your progress. feelings of needing to control outcomes and situations only serve as a hindrance because you can be investing your energy in being more of a co-creator than simply overseeing and allowing the destiny to be shaped by an ‘other’. a good deal of self-assessment is called for here, so, while you are experiencing a surge of your creative forces, you feel it best to work in silence and solitude until you feel more attuned to the flow that you have actually intended. reflections show up as mirrors of the aspects you may not find so pleasant, but surely your transmutation is happening by fire, so it is thorough. the combination of great mystery and the devil remind you that your attempts at dominating or forcing certain situations will only result in more confusion because you are going against a divine plan that is greater than what your present mind is allowing you to conceive. the time in quiet and stillness will open you up to greater visions, but first it is important to be honest about your true position and the motivations that urge you into certain action. you could find that you’ve been tricking yourself and actually staying in patterns you have long claimed to absolve. obsessive thought and action habits come forward to be assessed for proper evolution from this state. there are internal stories you have conjured which are keeping you tied up, but to the surface comes the truth of the entanglements that have been a crossing factor in your life. considering these things, you may find it useful to do some deep uncrossing work; it may also be effective to practice exorcism by way of inducing sweating and also further cleansing the body through various detoxification methods. the energy of spring suggests that it is perfect time to clean house and allow the transitions to finally happen. face and confront your fears with conviction and soon you will find how illusory the unease has been. key 15 combined with the support of great mystery come to offer you liberation from the bondage that can be created in the mind and spirit.
key 15 is associated with capricorn, which is your opposite/complementary sign. some of the great qualities of this zodiac signature is the discipline, focus, and determination with which capricorn moves. like the goat that represents it, there is nothing that can get in the way of one inspired by such a force to get to the ‘top’. ultimately, this is about building yourself up to the point where all of the imposing ‘spirits’ are naturally defeated. it is really useful for you to sit with what is within and make the adjustments that are necessary. the energy of capricorn, as associated with saturn, is one of lead - a gross elemental with the capacity to be converted to gold, but first it must be put through the fire, so to speak, and this is the beauty of the devil. currently in a dance with your shadows, you are learning how to make medicine with some of the bitterness that the moments come with. again, a lot of this is internal, and the work with key 15 is to release stagnation and congestion of any sort, so allies such as red root are potent for this work of moving through contractions of the spirit. red root is known as a potent lymphatic detoxifier, helping to regulate the water systems in the body that can become clogged up and toxic if not properly filtered. like a voyage with the devil, red root reminds us of the sort of elixir we need to really cast away old forms of being and existing so that we can be more aware of and in communion with our greater potential. key 15: the devil is a potion containing red root that is ideal for what the next few months will bring up for you. as you become more refined in your potential, you are also finding that there is actually a great deal of treasure housed in the aspects you have been keeping tucked away because you have found them to be less acceptable than that which you do show. again, great mystery is reminding you to surrender some of that control and welcome the allies that can promote a deeper sense of security so that you can remember everything is always right on schedule, and the contractions allow you to be born in high virtue.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
leo rising/sun/moon :: (11) justice // chaste tree berry + (41) shaman’s death/death and rebirth
synchronicity numbers: 11, 41, 52, 2, 5, 7
a close self-examination is in the works, and you are in a space of parting ways with old identities and forms of self that contribute to imbalance in your emotional and mental dispositions. justice comes forth as a card that promotes clarity and enables us to see the truth - ultimately this contributes to making a final decision on a matter, whether internal or external. with the combination of these numbers coming forward to 7, there is something that draws you into self and really encourages you to be honest, to see with reason and accuracy. there are narratives that could use some close evaluation because those stories are creating a loop in your experience, so it is time to break those cycles. arcanum 11 is a clear indicator of natural laws of cause and effect; with the shaman’s death card, your awareness is brought to the best ways to move forward. the shift in perspectives is promising, and the following transformation guarantees that you will excel with the creation that you are carrying or expanding upon in the future. these cards come with the promise of heightening the quality of the spiritual essence and soul potential through the absolution of self-deceptive ideologies. this is a perfect release and relief. the point of rebirthing may feel fiercely profound and, at times, excessive, but the preparation in it is for something that is well beyond the span of your lifetime - your contribution is part of a large web. with your great sensitivity, you are also banishing self-critical views that have hindered the process and progress of some of the work you have been doing. some of the things you are not allowing yourself to fully express in the way that you have envisioned will begin to pick up impulse to have time in the light, so to speak. in this time of ‘dying’, it is wise to refine your voice, so that it is as clear as the sun.
the 11 vibration is one who is whole and complete within the self, yet able to maintain that same balance within relation. 11 also deals with being able to guide an ‘other’ based on the quality of experience carried from the self’s journey from ‘1’. there is no “2nd place” for this double one energy, so when this number is showing up, it might be indicating to rely on your ability as guide within dynamics involving multiple people. key 11, or justice, combined with shaman’s death, is really about going through the motions necessary to merge with your true destiny by discharging karma that has been accumulated through your own thoughts, words, and actions. you have wisdom to share, but how it is received will be a matter of how you acknowledge the areas where you, too, need to grow. this is a time to be fair and begin to grow beyond the aspects of self that are only concerned with basic needs. the direction of your magick is changing in the sense that you are being guided to allow your spells to be about what can happen beyond the realm that you are currently operating in. chaste tree berry, a balancing ally, promotes the balance between progesterone and estrogen - offering support during times when excess estrogen can contribute to low progesterone. progesterone is key hormone is sustaining pregnancy and general regulation of the menstrual cycle. chaste tree berry invites us to see the truth through stimulating pituitary gland function and thus activating one of the various centers of the body involved in intuition, dreaming, and general mental clarity. these same qualities of the justice arcanum are contained in key 11: justice. the synthesis of death and rebirth as guided through the affirmation of justice is a beacon of revival of the deep knowing self and the wild nature within that knows how to heal and educate, even if it is just the self, based on the principles of truth and fairness. the ultimate result of this journey is a serious strengthening of the spirit, mind, heart, and body - the initiation is bound to be thorough.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
virgo rising/sun/moon :: (2) the high priestess // valerian root + (18) whirling rainbow/unity and wholeness achieve
synchronicity numbers: 2, 18, 20, 9, 11
in the silence, you are receiving information and codes on how to harmonize polarities and reconcile oppositions. the vibration of 2 and 9 resonate perfectly with what you are traversing; 2 being the energy of the incubating womb, fertile yet still and silent, processing and integrating before giving birth, while with 9 you are seeing more of your reflection materialized and thus offering lessons that will further elevate you. the high priestess is a knowing person. this energy also relates to balance and how one assesses the science bestowed through high wisdom and divine teachings. with the whirling rainbow being presented, you might find yourself in situations where you have to decide to shift your attention so as to self-preserve and retain your wholeness. when you’re dealing with those operating from fragmented timelines and perspectives, in recognizing this, you have a responsibility to serve as a guide while also checking in with yourself and gauging what aspect could have contributed to the experiences you’ve been having. the high priestess cues you in on the ways you can be more in tune with and a reflection of the truth. whirling rainbow propels this work forward by reminding you of the talents, gifts, assets, and virtues that you possess that contribute to your full potential. this is a time when you are preparing for the next level on your journey, demanding as much serenity as productivity, but this will more so be in the sense of detoxifying the input you’ve been receiving, refining the intentions with which you have been moving, and revisiting and reformulating the plans that you have been operating with. there may be some necessary releases in order because certain frequencies are out of resonance with what you are aiming at - this is not a matter of fault or wrong and right, but more so a situation where you are being instructed upon being more mindful with where you direct your energy and what is actually* necessary for your evolution. everything and everybody is not essential for you, and this does not remove from your or their wholeness. be mindful of spaces where fragmentation threatens the stability of foundations or the focus on what is important.
something key to your journey right now is becoming more intimate with your intuitive and psychic faculties. associated with lunar forces, the high priestess is one who can illuminate the ‘dark’ spaces. the high priestess can nurture the mind and heart simultaneously by combining the forces of these knowing centers and promoting a greater awareness of the constant communion between these two which are one. this shows up in the sum of the numbers between the high priestess and the whirling rainbow which equal to 11 - a double one energy hinting further at the fact that you are being guided into self before you can fully share in with others. key 2 reminds you that this is a time to keep your ideas and plans and knowings close to the heart until you have the safe space to birth without resistance. the medicine that valerian offers has a special quality of relaxing through promoting alpha brain wave activity. with alpha waves, one can experience mental clarity and make space to receive new information while being able to retrieve previously learned science - this can even enable one to tap into their genetic material and access ancestral and personal, deep and latent memories. the high priestess is about this kind of work and asks you to gather your senses and resources about the stories you have witnessed and are to tell. key 13 containing valerian root and being a portal-opener into transformation can readily be considered a ‘higher octave’ of the high priestess’s vibration. the energetic signature of these allies will provide you with the mental rest necessary to move forward with a clarified precision.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
libra rising/sun/moon :: (19) the sun // chamomile + (42) hour of power/ritual of joy
synchronicity numbers: 19, 42, 61, 10, 6, 16, 7
in both of the cards present here, arms are extended toward the sky and the sun shines bright - hope, trust, and faith are now active within. for some of you, the past few semanas (‘weeks’) and maybe even months may have felt trying internally. you’ve been experiencing a lot of clarity, but with that has come the responsibility of the adjustments that you need to make now that you know better. for others, there has been a great deal of creative expansion in both the sense of your talents and vision experiencing potent refinement and you also being active toward seeing those inner works take form. with the hour of power showing up alongside the sun, you are really being urged to go outside and get some sun! if you have been doing too much or feeling taxed by all of the activities that you have been focusing on, right now is the time to release that and step into a state of bliss by doing the things that bring your heart the most joy. use this time when the world is slowing down to your advantage and spend the moments reveling in what and with who you love most. the hour of power is considered the time of the day when you feel most optimal. this is when your energy is surging, your shakti is active, when you feel most creative, most alert and clear. this hour of power can vary or it may be consistent every day or shift periodically with your personal cycles. you might benefit from tuning into self and discovering more of what this time of the day or month is for you. once you find out more about that, you may find that you are able to organize your days according to the times of the day when you feel most naturally attuned to or able to carry forth certain activities. the more you refine this process, the more graceful your days will become, the more ease you will flow with in your daily living. with the sun being present, this signals that the practice of engaging more rituals of joy into your life will afford you a much needed health and energy boost. if you have been feeling low and as if your reserves are feeling ‘depleted’, take a break from the overwhelm and allow yourself to be replenished by the love you feel for that which nourishes and lifts you. it’s really important to heed these messages because they relate to your overall health. avoid the experience of a greater deficit in your state of being by not fully opening to the radiance that the sun wants to share with you - avoid staying boxed in by your emotions or the demands of your responsibilities. this is a time when gratitude can alter your vitality.
with the sun showing up, it is also essential to generally find time and space to sit with the other elements which are in constant relation with this force. a lot of you may be feeling a deep longing for activating your wild earth intelligence. you feel called to learn more about your ancient medicine and build a bridge of contact between you and the ancestors who can assist you in this uncovering. part of the illumination of the sun is exactly in this regard - you can access what is known as the akashic records and gather more intel about the energies at play in the grand scheme of your and the universal story. it is likely that through this effort of restoring your health to full harmony and being more with what/who/where actually nurtures and support you, you will find those who reflect the internal unity that you are cultivating. this is well in alignment with the other aspect of your yearning which has wanted and wandered for a true community of people willing to work in creating safe spaces in a time when so many foundations are threatened and collapsing in the face of being found to be lacking and dishonest. the rituals of joy during your hours of power will also help to enhance the vision of how you can contribute to the dynamics that are coming up in the next few months. chamomile is equally nutritive and calming. relaxing heart, stomach, and womb, this is an ally who can clarify our perception and shed light into our most profound innerscapes. chamomile is well known to alleviate anxiety and depression, while also being effective for fighting fatigue by promoting quality rest. when combined with other herbs such as hawthorn and goldenrod for instance, their respiratory healing qualities come to the forefront making them ideal in instances when clarity might be compromised for some reason or another. key 4: the emperor contains chamomile as an edifying herb capable of boosting the clarity of effort and performance by relaxing any anxieties and nervousness that might interfere with such lucidity of expression. in mama drops chamomile is added to bring in more of the nourishing and cleansing that spearmint, for instance, offers. ultimately chamomile, like the sun, serves to brighten and promote growth. like the hour of power, this is a medicine designed to make you better.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
scorpio rising/sun/moon :: (17) the star // angelica root + (14) kokopelli/fertility
synchronicity numbers: 17, 14, 31, 8, 5, 13, 4
“the time is now - the power is you!” have faith and trust in the great unfolding - in this time you find great benefit in just knowing that what you are working toward, through, and within at this time will result in something productive and fruitful. ideas may arise on how to best use your skillset and resources to make magick and overcome whatever hurdles have shown up on the path. all of the stories of kokopelli share that he played the flute and his music was said to bring fertility to the land, promising the people nourishment through the three sisters - corn, squash, and beans. the teachings of kokopelli are innerstood through the medicine of finding divine union within the self so that the ground is made enriched for growing. fertility is present in many forms for you right now, and it is a source within you that you can tap into for creating even more abudance in your experience. kokopelli and the star are perfectly aligned as the story of this toltec creature goes that the reminder of kokopelli is one to guide the children of the earth to the star nations that offered the seeds from which we sprung. furthermore, alignment of these two cards gives you a glimpse as to the expansion that your vision and mind is truly experiencing or due to experience. the time is perfect for you to begin move with the projects or ideas that you have been intending to further expand upon. the messages remind you to trust what you are doing now as essential for where you will find yourself tomorrow - the future is created today. with numbers 4, 5, and 8 as activators in this work you are definitely solidifying longevity and legacy through what may feel like it requires hard work or effort. 5, through kokopelli’s 14, invites you to be one with your body and consider how this might presently be a healthy or unhealthy foundation for what is being built. you will find much guidance through really considering your health as a telling factor in your potential wealth. the fertility that is present may or may not be shared with an other - there is enough of a singular vibration present to indicate that this time is for you to learn yourself some more and improve where needed. as you approach mastery in some of the areas you’ve been studying, you also find that there is much to learn yet the inspirations for knowing come with ease. find and work with the ways that nurture mental and spiritual expansion.
key 17 is associated with the sign of aquarius and speaks of insight, newfound strength, and making space for true independence and liberty. in a lot of ways this is the card of the scientist/knowing one who can penetrate the mysteries without so much struggle. the star is a card of having enough to give to the world - this is wisdom, ideas, and other internal resources. with that in mind, one can see the affinity to kokopelli even more pronounced - the star and kokopelli come to offer motivation after a period of turmoil or when things may have otherwise felt uneasy and unsettled. the toltec being called kokopelli is not merely mythical but more so ancestral. with both of these cards containing a strong spiritual essence, there is further emphasis on the fact you are receiving direct guidance from spirits and ancestors rooting for your success. you should remember that despite the upset that occasionally occurs, you are on the right path and in the right moment with each step you take when you can tune into the directives that are leading you toward the greater destiny. the revelation of the moment can offer the comfort of reminding you that you are healing and that this process will be beneficial not just for you who is experiencing it, but also for those who will hear and know of the stories that you can tell because of it. angelica root, a potent medicine and a trusted ally, is so called because of their legendary connection to an archangel who revealed this ally as a cure for the plague (though this is not fully verified to have been the case, the legend lives on). in their medicinal essence, they are protective, promoting resistance against poisons which could assault the blood, heart, and womb. angelica, a stimulant to the cardiovascular system, helps to promote circulation to the periphery making them ideal as a dreamtime ally. they have even been employed in sweat lodge ceremonies to open the imagination and mind. key 21: the world contains angelica as a main ingredient for their ability to promote vision and protect us in the process of creation. through key 17, we do the internal work to get to the point of active and more external co-creation that we find in key 21, so it is no wonder why angelica is a great bridge-builder between those two keys.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
sagittarius rising/sun/moon :: (12) the hanged man // passionflower + (40) great smoking mirror/reflections
synchronicity numbers: 12, 40, 52, 3, 4, 7
messages abound in this time and, though they seem to be coming from different sources, they all have things in common and, ultimately, they all connect. here the first clear message is to allow a shift in your perspective and your perception. here you are being prompted to adjust your vision and refine your innerstanding of what you are seeing. the hanged man and the great smoking mirror both say a similar thing; the great smoking mirror affirms that this is about the self-assessments you have been making. this is not the time to be afraid of showing your gifts and talents. this is also not the time to be engaging ‘others’ in a manner that is antagonistic or defensive. a lot of shedding of those old forms of interacting is happening and being initiated through the realization of the actual truth in the matter. being honest with yourself about any feelings of jealousy, envy, annoyance, bitterness, resentment, or inadequacy that you may be finding your way through is important in this work of realizing that the mirror may be smoky and unclear, so adjustments need to be made. if you are doubting yourself, you may find a distaste for what others reflect, and this is a moment when you can decide to respond differently than how you are accustomed to responding when you experience those ‘triggers’. the balance attained through the great smoking mirror is that of mastering the shadows and the ‘light’. with the hanged man, you are being offered a moment of retreat though your prior inclination was to do more than what you are feeling called to in these times. these shadowy parts that surface in your mind and heart are not any less deserving of attention and proper direction. the purpose of the 7 energy that the hanged man combined with the great smoking mirror offers is that of a necessary juncture of solitude and perhaps silence. this is not to say that you will not be creating or making solid form with the inspirations and even these feelings that sometimes arise, but surely the force is being concentrated internally. the hanged man does not appear strained or stressed - they are calm and they achieve enlightenment through surrender. this is a story from long ago, told to remind one that needed sacrifices for the spirits are not merely physical, but most importantly emotional and mental. sometimes it is necessary to relinquish the stories that are not in alignment with the one you are writing. it is okay to be different in a time pushing for singularity and sameness. the intent to set moving forward should center within the necessity for new programs that are precisely enriching and enlivening. there is an emphasis on shifting your responses and leveling up in responsibility/response-ability.
“the true image of self” is becoming clear at this time. another important aspect of the hanged man is that they are connected to the element of water and sometimes also associated with neptune and pisces. the thin line of neptune is in the aspect of illusion vs/with imagination. as you shed the illusion, you enhance the imagination - this is very important for the awakening that is taking place within you. don’t forget that despite the surrender and sacrifice which feels necessary to occur, you still have the ultimate determination of how you are moving your* energy. be mindful and remain conscious of your processes because this moment is informing the next decade of your life. the decisions and transformations you make now will retain impact. passionflower is a more than ideal medicinal for journeying with key 12. passionflower promotes theta waves which are ideal to activate during times when you are working with affirmations, declarations, or mantra to deprogram and reprogram your mind. through catalyzing theta waves, passiflora incarnata is useful for dream recall (pisces/water element work) and is indicated for self-hypnosis. they also have a strong quality of helping one to release obsessive thoughts that won’t leave the mind or feelings which don’t allow the heart to settle into the truths it knows*. key 12: the hanged man contains passionflower and is a formula crafted with the intention to promote those breakthroughs all the while recalibrating our relation to the waters within us and throughout the world. key 12 brings nourishment through the herbs it contains, prompting us to rest in trust as we await birth from that womb-like space of transformation. key 10: the world also contains passionflower, and in this formula passiflora creates a harmonious melody with other herbs, reminding us of our co-creative power and the will that we have as we move through the medicine wheel of life.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
capricorn rising/sun/moon :: (3) the empress // schizandra berries + (19) painted face/self-expression
synchronicity numbers: 3, 19, 10, 1, 13, 4, 22
bounty results from the expression of your feelings, talents, and desires. you are going through a metamorphosis that may have you appearing distinct from how you have in the past, and this is great. painted face was used in a variety of ways by the native people, either indicating the expression of a warrior’s bravery or showing the beauty of an individual’s spirit. the different colors on the face meant different things - red, black, yellow, and white were used to represent the four directions and the medicine a person carried in correspondence to that direction. other colors were sometimes used to indicate connection to mother earth (green) and father sky (blue) or one in mourning (black). the painted face, in this card, speaks to one who is being incited to express and experience more of their own medicine. having gone through important initiations, you may feel yourself ready to shapeshift and offer your life elixir to others in a more refined way. the cards show up to suggest that you are protected as you open your voice and articulate more of the truth to the world. the example you set in these times is sure to be followed, so heed that as a call to taking responsible action. the numbers 3 and 19 initially add up to 22, suggesting that you are building upon solid foundations and are due to create something with the potential to last. 19 also equals to 10/1 which implies the balance needed to optimize the outcome. the genesis within these vibrations say that, though advanced in your ways, you are still in the early stages of your conception. the empress is fertile, abundant, prosperous, healthy, and wealthy - this is the state you will approach more directly in the coming times. you are reaping a great harvest after spending some time altering forms to make the upgrades happening within your dna and throughout your spirit. some of you may feel called into some silence and removing yourself from the group so as to further resolve the discord that you may have noticed came forth from the constant interface with certain sort of stimuli. both the empress and painted self assure you that you are safe to be more fully yourself and release any disharmony - the remedy of your soul’s brewing will eventually be well-received by those who are aligned with it.
with the empress, you are also advised to not be discouraged by what appear to be ‘delays’ - things are happening exactly in the perfect moments. tuning into your intuitive faculties and allowing for a full acceptance of the intelligence in your instincts will protect you from any actual detriment to your production. your sacral chakra might feel very active at this time, or it could be the opposite for some. whatever the case, make sure to stabilize the energy. you are learning that the flow of the universe is in alignment with and not contrary to or in control of your personal will. with the equinox frequencies surging, you feel yourself being more aware of the processes of life, death, and rebirth, and right now you are in an important point of transition between being reborn and fully living. schizandra berries, found in key 5: the hierophant and mother herb elixir, are potent medicinal fruits effective for harmonizing the emotional and physical qualities of the womb, one of our creative centers, while also prompting the toning of the major organ systems of the body. schizandra berries is an ally used by the royalty of china and purported to be one of the ingredients in the elixir of immortality. they have such rejuvenating and regenerative properties that they can surely be considered longevity medicine, reproductive support, and a creativity enhancement tonic.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
aquarius rising/sun/moon :: (13) death // agrimony + (11) north shield/wisdom and gratitude
synchronicity numbers: 13, 11, 24, 4, 2, 6
the rebirth you are experiencing affords you much needed wisdom and innerstanding. the north shield, associated with the spirit of the buffalo and the elders and ancestors who guide and illuminate your paths, reminds you to have gratitude for the lessons even before you are fully able to comprehend their purpose. the process here is one of growing, so you can rest assured that the reason, if nothing else, is for your maturation. a wayshower for the coming times, you are experiencing a great purge and a total purification and distillation process. “wisdom is an inner knowing that cannot be traded, sold, or stolen from you”, so your cup runneth over and there’s no end to that abundance. the promise of the elders along the way is that you are due to experience great success in completing these lessons and allowing them to come full circle, providing you with access into the gateways of refinement through the portals in the wheel as it turns. for some, the signal of death may bring uncomfortable change and necessary destruction. for most, it is all already happening so the coming moments will serve to liberate you further and awaken the proper revolutions within you. you are not turning in so much anymore, the spiral is moving outward as your aura ‘infects’ more people, but you are still in a meditative space, going through the alchemical steps multiple times until you reach the final form of perfected gold. this transmutation is inevitable, and it leads to immortality. one and one, eleven, speaks to the mastery of relations that can be had through attunement with the higher expressions of your being. some of the transformations that have occurred have made you more aware of how you can sometimes contribute to disorder in your environment; with this knowledge, you are moving forward with more sensitivity and sense-ability. there is something about this moment that is impacting your heart on deeper levels and it is allowing for breakthroughs that you did not realize were needed but for which you find yourself grateful. though to some it might appear like you are in a passive state after the trials and initiations you’ve advanced from, your wheels are really spinning and the charge is increasing to the point where you will suddenly feel propelled into a colossal and abundant increase. as you prepare to take position as leader within the shifting schema, stay close to the home/heart and keep organizing within before allowing people in to see.
for the collective, there is a big message about really being intentional about what we are creating, and for aquarius this is no exception. the scorpio energy present here, being both a water sign and associated with reproduction, might have you playing closer attention to your generative organs and really healing your womb, for instance. you might have gone through a series of experiences that, each time more loudly, asked you to turn in and check with that sacral and sacred space. with the north shield being present, you may also be needing to consider the womb traumas of ancestral mothers in your lineage and work to transmute those accordingly, whether or not you have a womb. essentially, this is about healing the creative essence and any doubts you may have regarding this part of yourself. you didn’t come from nowhere, so your ancestors want you to remember that your power is their power and vice versa. some ancestral elevation work might be called for at this time (google ancestral elevation). agrimony is an ally for movement through death because it both protects and reveals. agrimony, in flower essence form and in their general vibration, promote truth through clearing blockages that show up in various ways including physically. key 13: death contains both agrimony and elderberries, both important in times of rebirth and serving the purpose of supporting the system by detoxing sickness and boosting vitality. key 11: justice has agrimony for the purpose of exalting the honesty that key 11 always brings - here they have a very grounding effect by targeting the liver and digestive system through a formula that also promotes the awakening of the mind and deeper sensing abilities. key 21: the world, a key for the child and mother within, provides a balance of allies which include agrimony to harmonize hormones and promote proper function and regeneration. in each of these formulas, agrimony serves the common aim of one way or another supporting transition into more health and, in turn, wisdom and wealth.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
pisces rising/sun/moon :: (5) the hierophant // egyptian blue lotus + (13) coral/nurturing
synchronicity numbers: 5, 13, 18, 9, 4
your perception of nurturing and self-love may be due for evaluation of the basis of it is rooted in ideas that view the quality of your being as related to the quantity of what you make or produce. you may wish to really spend time nurturing yourself, but you are also seeing how true self-love is hard to grasp for you if you’ve been used to neglecting and foregoing your needs for the needs and wants of others. it is time to look at your body and see what it says about how you have been treating yourself. perhaps in the recent days or semanas (‘weeks’) you have been acting upon the need to move your body more mindfully or be more intentional about the food and drink you put into it. with coral present, you are advised to really be good to your body and spend this time loving more on yourself. your sensitive soul can only benefit from any new or extra love being given to it. this card, coral, also speaks to the need to reunite with family on one level or another. associated with water, coral energy can deal with origins and memory, so even if it is not your blood family, you will find that there is a supportive community that has been noting that need for you to love more on yourself and will support should you decide to express to them your process. with the aspect of memory, the somatic healing that is taking place will also trigger the awakening of remembrance. you may want to look into a practice such as acupressure so that you can really work with the chi, shen, and jing essence in you by directly electrical, magnetic, and otherwise energetic impulses in the proper direction. this type of study and the application of this knowledge is one of the catalysts for you at this time. with the hierophant being present, and contemplating the image and symbols present within this card, you may be called to formalize your learning in some way. the hierophant being associated with intelligence, wisdom, advice, knowing, and the sensual and bodily aware sign of taurus, can be indicating that you ought to be mindful of the sensations and feelings you get when you are interacting with certain people or in specific places/spaces within or without. both of these cards come to bring you home in one way or another. at the basis of it all, there is a moment of recognition within yourself that will help to actualize the elevation you know is occurring.
all of this is teaching you to learn how to see with more wholeness. part of your essence is one which can readily perceive the oneness and connection between ‘things’, but with recent situations, you may have been feeling like you are the only one or one of few. now the recollection motivates you to reconsider that perspective. there could be someone who you consider wise, whether an elder or not, who is going to be offering you some guidance or counsel in the coming times - be open to the spirit guides that show up, embodied and not. you could also be guided toward a revival of your spiritual self through studying philosophies that you may not have considered as aligned with your path. there is the sense that you are achieving a greater spiritual innerstanding through releasing thoughts and ideas that are outdated and ill-established. some ways of thinking are to be left in the past as you make a new way on your journey. egyptian blue lotus is one that offers comfort and calm in times of transition. as a medicine they can do so much - from enhancing dream recall and promoting memory to fortifying sexuality to healing eye disease. our ancient blue lotus spagyric is made only with blue lotus and is charged with the ability to strengthen our intuition while promoting internal access to high wisdom. in key 5: the hierophant blue lotus adds the benefit of exalting the retrieval of the temple teachings contained as codes within the genetic blueprint - here we see the fine merging between somatic recalibration/release and the mental power and spiritual adeptness of the hierophant. egyptian blue lotus offers a mighty form of support during points of prodigious divine arousal and physical + metaphysical awakening.
*All of this is channeled with high vibrational energy and intention to guide you on your path, if you wish to offer us a donation for this work, feel free to do so by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
*Herbascopes™ is a system of divination developed by Gold Water Alchemy. Contact us at el@goldwateralchemy.com or through the Contact form with any questions or comments you may have. You can use the button below to send a donation for this work. Direct donation via PayPal can be sent to goldwateralchemy@gmail.com . Thank you for your support!