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000 Womb Way Collection

Mother of All Lands: Kiskeya's Womb Tonic

Mother of All Lands: Kiskeya's Womb Tonic

from $25.00


air + water + fire


alleviate cramps, menstrual pains, and other aches; facilitate communication with ease in the body; relax the nervous system; stimulate digestive function; relieve reproductive stagnation, depletion, and imbalance; help treat headaches; reduce inflammation; tone reproductive organs; awaken the uterus; invigorate the blood; promote emotional and mental balance; help one connect to maternal wisdom and their motherlands; more….

the story:

Mother of All Lands is a formula based on a remedy well-known to Kiskeyans from the ‘Dominican’ side of the island. Quisqueya/Kiskeya is said to mean “Great Land” or “Mother of All Lands”, hence the name of this medicine. There is a variation of the potion which is sold commercially at most of the grocery stores where you might find all the ‘island folk’ getting their roots and foods from — that variation is known as La Señora Muller, and all the women in my family who came to the United States have used this one… However, many of us have our own OG versions of the formula, pre-commercialization. The ones my mother, aunts, and their friends have long used are based on formulations created by my grandmother, a bottle of this always stocked in the fridge. I had been taking the formula in the customary way, since the first day of my first menses, but it wasn’t until I conceived my firstborn at age 14 that I would really become curious about this potion and what it could do in the body. The day my mother found out I was pregnant, she took the bottle out of the fridge and told me to drink it — the intention was to induce a miscarriage. Her 14 year old baby having a baby was not something that my mother could stomach, and understandably so. My daughter was set in place, though, so she wasn’t going anywhere — an induced miscarriage attempt was futile. The potion didn’t do what my mother wanted it to do, and later, after doing my own research, I learned that most of the herbs in the formula are safe during pregnancy so of course it wasn’t going to work for that. After giving birth to my daughter, my intimacy with this formula deepened. My aunt advised use of it for postpartum pains, and it worked like a miracle. Cramp bark at the fore as primary ingredient, it was no wonder why this one was so potent for that. Cramp bark is one well-known for their capacity to alleviate cramping, aches, spasms, and tensions. They are used as uterine nervine for helping to relieve pains and relax the uterine muscles. In the female reproductive system, Cramp bark has the capacity to help regulate the function of the ovaries, helping to establish cyclical balance. Contrary to my mother’s attempts on that one intense day, Cramp bark is actually ideal when one is experiencing nervous conditions or irregularities which may threaten to induce or contribute to potential miscarriage. The effects of Cramp bark pair well with Chamomile as they both possess tonic qualities for the womb, helping to correct matters such as excessive bleeding for instance. Chamomile, also known as Manzanilla in Kiskeya and some other Spanish speaking countries, is one that has been used in my family for many generations — so far, I’ve been able to trace use of this plant back to my great great grandparents on both sides of my family. Growing up, we used and witnessed it been used for everything — flus, allergies, stomachaches, headaches, menstrual aches, food poisoning, bug bites, skin inflammations, postpartum let-down and depressions, spiritual possessions, and the likes… In this formula, Chamomile is particular for working in the nervous system, treating disorders and stresses which may factor in to or be a result of womb ailments. In this way, Chamomile is useful for womb health. This one is also good for the digestive system and the liver by way of the bitter principles it contains. Digestive complaints tend to respond well to Chamomile, and indigestion is often relieved, too. Chamomile is a versatile plant which can work as subtly or as strongly as you need them to. Manzanilla is also very soothing postpartum not only for mamas but also for babies when fussy with colic or other digestive bothers. Initially, the mother may drink it as infusion to transfer to the baby through breastmilk, and after a month or two the chamomile infusion can be administered directly in 3-4 drops dosages. In Kiskeya, it is often brewed for the first bath of a baby days after birth. This water is considered protective, relaxing, and helps to ground the soul energy of the child into this dimension, something that is also furthered by the physical bonding of the mama and baby. This fragrant flower is very effective to lift our spirits during menstruation, pregnancy, birthing, postpartum, menopause, and beyond. Surely, it is an ally for the feminine and water spirits. The combination of Spearmint and Holy basil, both mints, have a profound impact on the lungs, stomach, and liver, all of which are organs whose function impacts that of the reproductive system. Spearrmint and Holy basil also work well to clear stagnation in the womb space and bring on the menses when absent or delayed, especially if combined with Ginger (who is not in this formula). The aromatic qualities of these herbs can contribute to a simultaneous soothing and awakening of the senses. Orange peel furthermore has stimulant potential and is usually employed in Kiskeyan formula to potentiate the other medicines, meaning that it helps to bring out the qualities of other plants in a more pronounced way. This is something that also helps to ease the movement of a formula through the blood and, thus, the entire organism. Like all the other plants in Mother of All Lands, Orange peel is a tonic and can prove favorable for strengthening whatever bodily systems it works within. Gentian is a plant that is used in this and other Kiskeyan preparations for reproductive health of all people. On top of cleansing the digestive tract and stimulating the secretion of digestive fluids, Gentian also helps to treat venereal conditions and has been used for PID (pelvic inflammatory disease). Using this potion in fertility enhancement programs is also ideal. Mother of All Lands is one which reminds us of our creative potential as reflective of the womb space from which we are birthed. This formula is for initiations of all sorts, and specifically for those becoming aware of the Mother self or needing help with mending their relations to maternal energies. It is one for ease through big transitions and inner graduations, meant to charge you with the fluidity, versatility, and groundedness of the divine Mothers.


cramp bark, chamomile flowers, holy basil, spearmint, orange peel, gentian root, gluten-free alcohol

invitations for use:

Take 10-35 drops as needed, up to 3 times a day. Shake well before use. Store in a cool, dark place.

(Each purchase comes with herbal information cards, detailing stories and facts regarding your medicine.)

  • Safe for breastfeeding people at a quarter of the dosage.

  • Safe for children ages 5+.

  • Safe during pregnancy in a quarter of the dosage during the third trimester. Do not use during trimesters 1 and 2.

  • Not safe if you have intense* allergic responses to ragweeds / compositae family.

  • All herbs are certified organic and/or cultivated by Gold Water Alchemy.

  • REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: This product is for bringing balance; it is not intended to diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, please seek a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been approved by the FDA.

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