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000 Womb Way Collection

Birthing Beauty: for Labors of Love + Childbirth

Birthing Beauty: for Labors of Love + Childbirth



earth + water + air


induce labor; increase uterine contractions and force of contractions; focus energy in the pelvic area; energize the uterus; provide calming influence during labor and childbirth; promote release of oxytocin; reduce pain; for hormonal support; help womb regain balance postpartum; to reduce hemorrhaging and blood loss during childbirth and other moments; check pain and tension in the body; promote trust in one’s own body; alleviate anxiety and tension; support healing through PTSD and other post effects of trauma; more…

the story:

Birthing Beauty is based on a formula I shared with my students several years ago when I first started offering the apprentice journey. Some of them later on used it during their childbirth experiences and reported ease in labor and through contractions. Birthing Beauty is a formula meant to assist us in the process of birthing, whether a human life or our own creative projects and endeavors. All of the herbals in this formula have the effect of relaxing so that the process in the birth portal can be more graceful. Beyond pregnancy, labors, and childbirth, this tincture is ideal from days 1-14 of the menstrual cycle to help alleviate cramps and pains, all the while balancing estrogen and serving as a uterine tonic. Black Cohosh is particularly effective during the bleeding phase of our cycle, aiding in relieving night sweats, headaches, and other such hormonal-related symptoms. According Prescription for Herbal Healing’s excerpt on this plant medicine, they contain at least three classes of compounds that work to regulate hormone use. The literature furthermore states that the compounds “bind to receptor sites in the reproductive tract, brain, and other organs that otherwise would receive estrogen. This reduces overall estrogen activity when estrogen levels are high”. Alternatively, Black Cohosh has a stabilizing impact which is evidenced through the way that those same compounds block the formation of luteinizing hormone “which stimulates a surge of estrogen production in the first 14 days of the menstrual cycle.” This means that when estrogen is low or high, Cimicifuga (another name for Black Cohosh) helps with both estrogen production and reduction. Further findings reveal that Black Cohosh is also effective for improving the quality of sperm and its motility, moreover correcting infertility in males and sperm-holders. One of the great things about this plant is that, unlike synthetic hormone replacement therapy, Black Cohosh does not stimulate the growth of breast tumors. Actually this plant helps with lactation and alleviates dryness in the body; this is very specifically evident through the mammary glands and generative organs. In essence form, Black Cohosh enables us to undo ourselves from toxic environments and relationships; it is an initiation medicine which is also known as “black snakeroot” and proves to be a great catalyst in times of deep transformation, birth or death. Being combined with Blue Cohosh makes it especially ideal for ailments and happenings within the reproductive system. Native peoples have long used Blue Cohosh for a wide array of conditions afflicting the uterus. Infusions and tinctures of the root are called forth to slow down excessive menstrual bleeding, ease contractions during labor and childbirth, stop bleeding postpartum, and help to rebuild uterine tissue after delivery. Blue Cohosh contains anti-inflammatory qualities which support the treatment of skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis and other such inflammatory presentations which are ultimately rooted in liver overload. The liver is a key digestive organ which also contains precursory elements for proper hormonal activity in all bodies. Thus, this tincture is also ideal for people who experience acne and such conditions connected to both liver and hormonal shifts. It is worth noting that both Black and Blue cohosh (unrelated plants which work well together for particular situations) have a potential for toxicity when used in large doses and over an extended period of time, so it is not ideal to use this tincture for more than 3 months at a time. Enter Motherwort: she is soothing to the heart, to the womb, to the mind, to the nerves; she offers support. In this formula, Motherwort is effective for bringing calm during stress, tensions, or labor. Alone or combined with roots such as Black Cohosh, Motherwort is a trustworthy companion during times of depression and anxiety, when the heart is experiencing disquiet and upset. Like Blue Cohosh, Motherwort is anti-inflammatory. This Mother’s plant is also detoxifying and supports the liver in helping the body expel excess hormones. Simultaneously, all three of these herbals have the synergistic effect of aiding us into new states of being on all levels, from physical to spiritual. Motherwort and Black Cohosh also share the trait of assisting us when we are coping through the effects of trauma, whether physical, psychological, and/or emotional. With these 3 plants, we feel loved on, mothered, heard, felt, seen, and guided on our path. Birthing Beauty is a catalyst in the process of creation, deliverance, and beauty alike.


motherwort leaves, black cohosh root, blue cohosh root, gluten-free alcohol, honey

invitations for use:

Take 10-20 drops as needed, up to 3 times during childbirth. Use up to 15 drops, once a day to prepare the womb during the 7 days leading up to estimated birthing date. To help ripen and dilate the cervix during childbirth, use 10 drops hourly for up to 5 hours. 3-8 drops every 30 minutes for several hours will help to start a ‘delayed’ labor. Use same amount to help expel the placenta. Use 5-8 drops every couple of hours during the postpartum period to help alleviate pain. Shake well before use. Store in a cool, dark place.

(Each purchase comes with herbal information cards, detailing stories and facts regarding your medicine.)

  • Safe for pregnant people only during the 3rd trimester/final 7-10 days of pregnancy. Do not use during trimesters 1 and 2 of pregnancy.

  • Safe for people 15+.

  • Do not use while experiencing or if you regularly experience low blood pressure.

  • All herbs are certified organic and/or cultivated by Gold Water Alchemy.

  • REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: This product is for bringing balance; it is not intended to diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, please seek a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been approved by the FDA.

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