prompting sensible inquiry

The Medicine of the Blues

Keeper of the Flame: Intro

Keeper of the Flame: Intro


sound-note: Keeper of the Flame by Nina Simone

elements: fire + air

uses: alpha brain waves activator, heart health, balancing reproductive system, calming the mind, enlivening the sacral + root spaces, stimulating 3rd eye, psychedelic (literally mind-clarifying/non-hallucinogenic), healing urinary tract, full force formula

the story:

Keeper of the Flame is a guiding light conceived in the gentle whisper of night winds. It is a medicine of activation and profound meditation. Alpha brain waves are an aid in boosting creativity and reducing depression - both rose petals and valerian root are known to enhance alpha brain wave activity thus assisting in the increase of motivation and happiness while also reducing high blood pressure and alleviating chronic pain. A very thorough formula, this concoction is made in the form of a cordial. Cordials are medicines which use wine as a way to accentuate the potency toward targeting the heart and balancing its functions. This particular cordial contains elements of fire and air - warming and cooling herbals strong with the energy of bringing full body, heart, and mind balance. Hawthorn Berries, Blue Vervain, and Motherwort are the main components which make this medicine exceptionally soothing to the heart. This is good, not just for those experiencing conditions such as high blood pressure, anxiety, or nervous tension, but also for all who wish to tune into the compassion and mindful centers contained within heart space. Every component here is known to facilitate deeper breathing and, in turn, greater clarity. The Keeper of the Flame is he or she who can move with all inspiration in a steadily brilliant and resilient pace.

combines well with: ROOTED VITALITY


juniper berries, hawthorn berries, rose petals, motherwort, valerian root, blue vervain, rosemary, organic gluten-free/sulfite-free red wine, organic black cherry juice, raw honey, spring water + carnelian gem essence

invitations for use:

We recommend adding 11-18 drops to 2 oz. of water or tea, or taken directly on the tongue, upon waking or at midday, in between breakfast and lunch. These guidelines are not definitive, meaning you can use according to your intuition, at any dosage up to 22 drops and at any time of day. Shake well before use. 

(Each purchase comes with herbal information cards, detailing stories and facts regarding your medicine; keeps well for 1 year.)


  • Safe for breastfeeding women, in half the recommended dosage.

  • Safe for children ages 7+.

  • All herbs used are certified organic + 95% are sustainably wild-harvested by Gold Water Alchemy.

  • REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: This product is for bringing balance; it is not intended to diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, please seek a qualified medical professional.

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