prompting sensible inquiry

Conjure Essences™ +++

Power and Success Conjure Essence: High John the Conqueror Root

Power and Success Conjure Essence: High John the Conqueror Root



*Conker + Frederick Douglass


to bring general luck, power, and success; to increase health and wealth; to help command situations to your favor; to draw love; to win a court case; more…

conjure essence profile:

From “High John de Conqueror” by Zora Neale Hurston: “Old Massa couldn't know, of course, but High John de Conquer was there walking his plantation like a natural man. He was treading the sweat-flavored clods of the plantation, crushing out his drum tunes, and giving out secret laughter. He walked on the winds and moved fast. Maybe he was in Texas when the lash fell on a slave in Alabama, but before the blood was dry on the back he was there. A faint pulsing of a drum like a goatskin stretched over a heart, that came nearer and closer, then somebody in the saddened quarters would feel like laughing, and say, "Now, High John de Conquer, Old Massa couldn't get the best of him. That old John was a case!" Then everybody sat up and began to smile. Yes, yes, that was right. Old John, High John could beat the unbeatable. He was top-superior to the whole mess of sorrow. He could beat it all, and what made it so cool, finish it off with a laugh. So they pulled the covers up over their souls and kept them from all hurt, harm and danger and made them a laugh and a song. Night time was a joke, because daybreak was on the way. Distance and the impossible had no power over High John de Conquer.”

This brief excerpt of Zora’s piece says plenty of sort of power contained in this essence. It is the energy of faith, hope, and a deep knowing that power and success is ours, always. High John the Conqueror is medicine of the chosen. High John the Conqueror is protection medicine and reminds us of deep reserves of resilience and potential. High John has a strengthening nature. Like the name implies, this root is used to conquer and command with one’s true power. This is juju that extends for money and love magick as well, especially when combined with the appropriate essences, oils, and/or curio. It can be used to accentuate masculine energy when it has been weakened, depleted, or otherwise compromised. It is even effective in aiding the process of getting projects and important personal works off the ground. The energy here is omnipotent - intention is key. This is a very suggestible accomplice which will, if properly respected and communed with, facilitate whatever we need whenever we most need it. This essence made with High John, in a method that ensures safety for internal consumption, and several other essences to ensure power and success alongside protection and guidance. High John heals grieving hearts and promises tomorrows filled with laughter. We will be able to look back and clearly see how steadily the ancestors have been supporting and encouraging our victory.


high john the conqueror root, spring water, brandy, white rum, hoodoo (including corresponding root essences)

invitations for use:

Take 1 drop, up to 3 times a day. Can be used before going to court, to anoint your wallet for increasing wealth, in combination with Love Conjure Essence for a love strengthening mix. More uses indicated on notecard. Shake and program with intentions/affirmations before use. Store in a cool, dark place. Use within 2 years.

  • Curio is intended for adult/adept use.

  • All roots are sustainably harvested by Gold Water Alchemy.

  • REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: This product is for bringing balance; it is not intended to diagnose or cure disease. If you require medical treatment, please seek a qualified medical professional. These statements have not been approved by the FDA.

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