Heart's Dream
Heart's Dream
Whether asleep or awake, with my heart I create. The formula for this extract came to me through a dream in which an elder asked me, "what is your heart's dream?" I vividly recall being in front of my alter after that and putting some herbs into my mortar and pestle. The 4 used in this formula are the 4 that I was able to remember from the dream. Upon prying deeper into my connection to these allies, I realized that 2 of these have been very close to me on my journey. Roses and chamomile are ones that have identified themselves as some of my personal teachers. Roses have a beautifying effect on the world. Considered an extremely high vibrational flower, Rose is associated with love. The petals promote sweetness and bring comfortable stillness to the heart. Commonly used on the skin for its astringent and cleansing properties, Rose is indispensable in the home of a person who seeks to raise the vibration within their aura and environment. Chamomile is considered a lucky flower. Also high vibrational in essence, it has an "antibacterial" action and it was used for many years to cleanse traumas. Chamomile's actions work directly with the solar plexus and digestive organs, impacting these centers in a positive and profound way, helping to release grief and traumatic emotional shocks from the body. Passionflower and Skullcap are synergistic in their interactions with each other. Growing wildly in the American tropics, parts of Asia, and South America, Passionflower is an excellent nutritional ally for reducing depression and even hot flashes. With all its passion and love-instilling properties, it brings a coolness to the spirit and the body while still enlivening the spirit and activating the heart. Skullcap is a deeply restorative herbal medicine. Imbuing all who come into contact with her with feelings of love and balance, this medicinal treat is a restorative herb to enhance meditation and the development of the psychic faculties. A concoction consecrated through ceremony and with song, this extract is sure to awaken the vision's truth and inspire love into action. (All elixirs come with a tamper-evident seal.)
*passionflower, *roses, *skullcap, *chamomile, moonstone gem essence
invitations for use:
Add 11 drops to a cup of water or tea, or taken directly under the tongue, before bed. These guidelines are not definitive, meaning you can use according to your intuition, at any dosage up to 33 drops. Shake well before use.
(Each purchase comes with herbal information cards, detailing stories and facts regarding your medicine.)
- Not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.
- Safe for children ages 1+, at half the dosage.
*certified organic ingredient